UPDATES...like you give a shit!
UPDATED 7/16/04 Real quick update here. NEWS has been updated with info about OVERLORDE's new album,DANZIG's last tour,and other random bullshit. I am also currently editing a new RANT AND RAVE collum and I will possibly have another one or two up next week along with NEW RECORD REVIEWS. ALSO...just in case you can make it... TONIGHT!!!!JULY 16TH at the WILDWOOD BOWL Right Off Of 51 in Riverhead MAGUS BEAST will be performing along with Toka and Goat Milk For more info , go to www.magusbeast.com or www.985thebone.com Till next week...THRASH-Chris
UPDATED 7/09/04 Just what the hell you've been waiting for...an update of this piece of shit. click the link for COMBAT concerning a show they are playing on Long Island,NY at the end of July with ARKHAM,SCAR CULTURE, and two other bands whose names escape me at the current moment. I added a bunch of record reviews last week including reviews of the latesty records from DESTRUCTION and EXODUS. Not quite the way I had it all planned out (i was looking to totally ravage the new EXODUS record and the damn thing grew on me after about seven listens...go figure.) but they are up none the less. expect some new reviews next week including a review of the latest releases from SUFFOCATION,PRIMAL FEAR, and some truly classic crap (this time I mean it...nothing but pure,bottom of my soul kinda hatred for at ;east two records) WHICH IS THE TORTURE I PUT MYSELF THROUGH FOR A FEW MEASLY HITS TO THIS FUCKING SITE. NEWS will be updated by the time anyone (ANYONE?!?) reads this,and I am working on a few other things for this site (which means,at the rate I have been going at recently,they will be posted sometime next winter). Work has been killing me,and you all know I try not to make that an excuse for the lack of upkeep of this site,but it is a main reason why I can't seem to get my shit together for this page. When I finally get everything together,I am going to at least TRY to get more traffic headed to this site as well as TRY to get a few interviews (which is getting increasingly difficult) set up so that this page doesn't become a total waste of internet space. With all that being said,I have just about had enough of everything in my life and I have been considering quitting my job,quitting this zine,and just sitting on my fat ass collecting unemployment checks while watching "Repo Man" for the billionth time on DVD. Things currently suck right now...and they aren't getting better anytime soon due to lack of time to make them better (and quitting my job would free up so much damn time that I wouldn't know how to spend it). From here on in,this is the way it is going to happen around here! UPDATES and RECORD REVIEWS-EVERY TWO (2) WEEKS. NEWS-EVERY WEEK OTHER STUFF-WHENEVER I GET TO IT! We'll see how long THAT lasts...but this is at least a schedule I intend to keep for this site in order to keep this site worth (kind of) reading. I thought about maybe adding a few other people to help me with this site,but then I remember what a hassle it was when I was running UNSTOPPABLE FORCE,so I am going to remain the only person on this one way train to hell. I also thought about adding a MOVIE REVIEW section to this site,and considering that I run the damn thing,the only person stopping me from doing that is myself. I'm thinking about it...but I wouldn't expect it to happen any time soon. Sorry if you were looking forward to a riveting,nail-biting review of ILSA-SHE WOLF OF THE SS or RE-ANIMATOR written by my retarded self,but at this point I'm having trouble reviewing a mere five records every few weeks,let alone in-depth,solid review of REVENGE OF THE NINJA. Still waiting on the WITCHKILLER/WARHAG/KURT PHILLIPS interview to come back,and I have literally hit a mental block as to who I should interview next. There are alot of bands I would love to do interviews with,but I cannot find ways to contact the bands I want to interview (and trust me,that RE-ANIMATOR review would probably come YEARS before I get an interview with anyone from BLESSED DEATH or JAGUAR at this rate.) so I am basically fucked as far as that goes. I AM going to try and gain interviews with a few bands next week and have some RECORD REVIEWS up by next weekend. Till then...THRASH!!! (This is usually where I rip on Anthony and UNSTOPPABLE FORCE webzine,but it isn't even a challenge anymore considering he is going on almost two months without adding a damn thing to his page...that's a rip of its own considering he hasn't taken the STORMWARRIOR interview and posted it on his site yet.)-Chris
BANDS-Contact me about trading links. Let me know if you want to use text links or image links so that it is a fair "trade" so-to-speak. I should have an image link on the "MISCELLANEOUS" page of this site. If not,just steal the one at the top of this page...it's cool. IF YOU HAVE A MAILING LIST-Feel free to add me to it. My e-mail address is "LethalEnergy@aol.com". Trust me,I'd rather have news up from bands on the news page than propoganda from labels I hardly buy product from anyway. IF YOU LIKE THIS WEBZINE-You're INSANE! Do me a favor and tell someone else about it...any kind of promotion is a BIG help...thanks. HAVE A FUCKING DRINK ON ME! Rex and COMBAT for all the support they have given this webzine since its inception...you dudes rule and thanks for the support. John and the awesome MAGUS BEAST for being cool motherfuckers and making kick-ass music. Good luck in Milwaukee this year,dudes. "Mi Familia" (night shift)at Consolidated Dairies in Wallington,NJ. You guys fucking rule...thanks for helping me keep my sanity while killing myself every night. You guys truly are my third family...and fuck you,John! Katon and HIRAX for being really cool guys...let me know when you hit Jersey...I'll be there,and the questions are sent SI from ANIHILATED and Leon from the ANIHILATED site for being cool motherfuckers...METAL FOREVER guys... Mark from OVERLORDE and VYNDYKATOR for proving that "TRUE METAL" still lives in New Jersey...now all we need is some new OVERLORDE material. Bob Mitchell and VYNDYKATOR for being really fucking cool and hanging out during the WWF pay per views with us recently. I can't wait to see you guys live at CMF 3 for what seems like a lifetime. YOU for reading this webzine when you could be doing something more constructive...like watching flies fuck or something. To those people I have conducted interviews with and those I will conduct interviews with in the future for taking time out of their schedules for dealing with my questions UNSTOPPABLE FORCE WEBZINE for going strong while I wallow and rot in the self-made prison known to the free world as R.O.P. Webzine. Ant...drinking this weekend? EAT SHIT AND LIVE SO THAT I CAN RUN YOU OVER WITH MY CAR AND FUCKING KILL YOU BY SPLATTERING YOUR INARDS ALL OVER THE ROAD!!! Ignorant metal fans...those jack-offs can die in fucking hell...hope you are all raped with barbed wire dildos while recieving thorny rose-stem catheters. MANOWAR for recycling the same song for 20 years and selling it as new material to unsuspecting people. People who enjoy HAMMERFALL...if you keep buying their records,they''ll only make more of them...do your part to keep the natural balance of this planet correct,buy "TRUE METAL" like STORMWARRIOR or CIRITH UNGOL...not some band than makes MANOWAR sound like QUEENSRYCHE idea-wise "Nu"-metal faggots who think that buying a VENOM t-shirt makes you a fan of true metal People who use the word "poser" constantly...in case you haven't noticed these are the kind of people who are pretty much "posers" in the first place
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Copyright © 2004-Rush Of Power Webzine. All Rights Reserved! NOTE-Take ANYTHING from this page without permission of the author and I will hunt you down to THRASH YOU TO DEATH! That isn't just a threat...IT'S A FUCKING PROMISE I WILL KEEP IF NECCESARY! Try to have a "nice day"...while you can. If you DO want to use something from this webzine,just click the E-Mail link and I'll get back to you...don't be a thieving bag of shit...more than likely,I'll say "yeah,go ahead...just link me back" and it'll be alright. Without that though...I'll fuck you up,got it?!? |