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The Magick Circle


Calling all budding journalists!

You're wanted and needed!

Obviously, you can't start a webzine without articles to display for reading, so I am asking anybody out there who has an interest in Wicca/Witchcraft/Magic in general to consider writing for The Magick Circle.

All you have to do is fill either the 'Article' form below, or the 'Regular Feature' form. You are welcome to fill in both, as well as regularly submit articles - although you will probably not be accepted for more than one regular feature.

Article Form
Before you fill in the form below, you will have to have written the article that you would like published. I would advise doing this on a word processor, so that you can use spell-check etc. In 'Name' please use the name that you would like to appear with the article. This may be your Pagan name but it doesn't have to be.
Also, please fill in your email address. I need this in order to contact you about when your article will be released etc. I promise that it will not be given to any third parties - just me.


Your Email Address:

Title of Article:

Your Article:


Regular Feature Form
Please use the name that you would like to be written as the author of the regular feature/column in the 'Name' field. This can be your Pagan name or your other name. Please also remember to include your email address. This is absolutely crucial for Regular Feature writers as I need to be able to contact you about when to get your next feature in etc. I promise that it will not be given to any third parties.
Please give the title of your regular feature/column. This may be something like 'Willow's Mystical Spells'. This will be the overhead title of your column in every issue, so think carefully about it. You will also need to describe what topic your column will be on. This may be 'Seasonal Spells', 'Current Events' etc. be creative and try to get something unique.
Finally, you will need to include your first 3 columns. Bear in mind that the webzine will come out every pagan festival (Yule, Imbolc etc.) so you may want to adapt your columns to the coming seasons. If you feel that your column would be impossible to write ahead for, then please include a note in the first sample and instead write columns for the previous seasons or hypothetical ones.
Finally (yes, this is very long and boring, but it has to be written), please tick the appropriate box at the end to say whether or not your column will be able to go on forever, or whether it is limited. Eg. A column entitled 'A closer look at the wheel of the year' which looks at one festival in detail each issue will only be able to run for a year.


Your Email Address:

Column Title:

Column Theme/Category:

1st Column:

2nd Column:

3rd Column:

Is this a limited column (one that will only run for a few issues)?:

Legal Stuff
Ok, basically, I am just going to put a little legal thing here so that you guys know what's going on. By submitting your applications you agree to the below.
I reserve the right to edit grammar punctuation and possibly language in an article/column. Although I will try to send this to the author for them to check before it is published, this may not be possible due to lack of time etc.
Any personal details that you give me I will not give out to anybody unless you want me to (ie. If you give your email address you may want it to be displayed with your article so that readers can send their comments to you. If so, please write a note at the end of your article, saying this.
Finally, I may keep your article for a while and not publish it immediately due to perhaps having too many articles for the next issue. I will try to email authors to tell them when their article will appear, or when their column will start.
Thanks for reading all of this!
