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undefined Below you can find the Operation Northwoods documents, (project northwoods) please download them. Also, president Richard Nixons feelings on Bohemian Grove. (Lone Gunmen audio coming very soon! Also, demolition man audio, and long kiss goodnight will be coming as well)

Alex Jones Video from Wednesday July 25 2001, warning about september 11th and Osama Bin Laden, months before it happened! [Man predicts 911 below] Some of his websites are

You can also find Alex Jones and his work at.

Also available right here below is, Patriot act 2, in high and low resolution, in pdf, adobe acrobat format.

Adobe acrobat is available for free from the adobe website.


The files are placed below!


Operation Northwoods. Project Northwoods. File size approx. (777K less than 1 Megabyte)Download right here

Richard Nixon speaking about Bohemian Grove in California, in MP3 format. (File size approx. 654K less than 1 Megabyte) Download right here

Patriot ACT 2 in low resolution pdf format. (File size approx. 768K less than 1 Megabyte) Download right here

Patriot ACT 2 in hi resolution pdf format. (File size approx. 7.00 Megabytes.) Download right here

Alex Jones warning about Osama Bin Laden. He said on July 25 2001 on his public acess show in Texas months before september 11 2001 that this would happen. (Windows Media Video) format. (File size approx. 2.67 Megabytes.) Download right here

George Bush Senior talking about the New World Order, on 911- 1990 (Yes, on September 11th 1990, coicidence?) (MP3) format. (File size approx. 1 Megabyte.) Download right here The above clip is an exceprt from Alex Jones bomb shell documentary "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" This film makes Micheal Moores One sided, half truth documentary "Farehneit 911" Look like a joke. If you would like to purchase "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" please visit Alex Jones website, and while you are there, please click "videos" to the left of the page. The book Decent into to Tyranny is also available for purchase. Alex incourages for people to get his information out there by making copies of his work for non profit usage, and also by getting it onto public access television. Please joine the information war today. Alex and I both strongly agree it is a war for the mind.

Gary Hart Council on Foreign Relations speech about New World Order and George Bush on September 12 2001(MP3) format. (File size approx. 308kb.) Download right here The above clip is an exceprt from Alex Jones bomb shell documentary "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" This film makes Micheal Moores One sided, half truth documentary "Farehneit 911" Look like a joke. If you would like to purchase "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" please visit Alex Jones website, and while you are there, please click "videos" to the left of the page. The book Decent into to Tyranny is also available for purchase. Alex incourages for people to get his information out there by making copies of his work for non profit usage, and also by getting it onto public access television. Please joine the information war today. Alex and I both strongly agree it is a war for the mind.

George Bush Senior talking about the New World Order, on 911- 1990 (Yes, on September 11th 1990, coicidence?) And Gary Hart on September 12 2001 speaking about the New World order, and George Bush, to the CFR Council on Foreign Relations(MP3) format. (File size approx. 1.7 Megabytes.) Download right here The above clip is an exceprt from Alex Jones bomb shell documentary "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" This film makes Micheal Moores One sided, half truth documentary "Farehneit 911" Look like a joke. If you would like to purchase "911 The Road to Tyranny (2002)" please visit Alex Jones website, and while you are there, please click "videos" to the left of the page. The book Decent into to Tyranny is also available for purchase. Alex incourages for people to get his information out there by making copies of his work for non profit usage, and also by getting it onto public access television. Please joine the information war today. Alex and I both strongly agree it is a war for the mind.

George Bush admitting or should I say slipping, and saying he say the first airplane hit the first tower. (MP3) format. (File size approx. ? Megabytes.) Download right here Want to know how he saw the first air plane hit the very first tower on a TV screen, when the news didn't start airing till after? Watch the film "9/11 The Road to Tyranny" by Alex Jones by cliking right here. Or you can purchase the film from WWW.INFOWARS.COM

George W Bush saying a press conference is scripted. Yes scripted, just like the presidential debates. (Windows Media Video) format. (File size approx. ? Megabytes.) Download right here Ha ha, wow, this is so not funny!

George W Bush On TV "Meet the Press admitting to being a member of the infamous secret society "Skull and Cross Bones" aka "The order of death" (NOTE: Below is the video of Bush's cousin John Kerry who is also a member. (Windows Media Video) format. (File size approx. 1 Megabyte(s).) Download right here

Video of John Kerry admitting membership to the skull and cross bones.

CBS report about the Skull and Cross bones Order of Death Secret Society that George and Kerry both belong to.

George W Bush saying a press conference is scripted. Yes scripted, just like the presidential debates. (Windows Media Video) format. (File size approx. ? Megabytes.) Download right here Ha ha, wow, this is so not funny!

Lone Gunmen(RM REAL MEDIA) format. (File size approx. 2.3 Megabytes.) Download right here The Lone gunman was a Spin-off of the X-files that came on FOX in March of 2001 about a group of computer hacking, "conspiracy theorist" that researched and exposed criminals in the goverment, and published a newspaper about goverment corruption.

In the pilot episode which aired in March 2001 in America, approx 6 months before 911 an air plane was hi jacked and computer controlled and aimed at the World Trade Center (wtc) in New York.

Sound familiar? Also here.

Script to the pilot episode of The Lone gunmen.

Internet Movie DataBase IMDB info on The Lonegunmen.

Part of the Dean Haglund interview with Alex Jones. (MP3) format

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