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A tear of comfort in an ocean of grief…



Abdul-Majeed Azad



Foreword (by Bill Harvey)
Letters and Replies
Let's Go Get The Bad Guys - The American Way (Bill Harvey)
Dual U.S. Objectives In The Post-9/11 Era (Bill Harvey)
Restraint and Balance the Watchwords To Cure Terrorism Without Escalating It (Bill Harvey)
Letter to the White House (Bill Harvey)
Letter from Student (Ahmed Fasih)
My Friends with Strange Faces, My Friends with Vibrant Souls (A Tribute to the Lost Ones)
Letter to The Editor (Columbus Dispatch)
Letter to The Editor (Courier Times)
Daniel Pearl... a Beacon of Truth
Please, Dad, Tell Me (CommonDreams NewsCenter)
Evangelists Against Islam
Mr. President, Please.... (Days Preceding Invasion of Iraq, 2003)
I Shall Meet You In The Heaven
The Tsunami Onslaught (UTNews, January 24, 2005)
Prophet Mohammed's Cartoons (Toledo Blade, February 12, 2006)
Deniers, say you? (April 25, 2006)
Five Intervening Years: 2001-2006
Pope Benedict's Turkey Trip
I Know What You Did in Summer '06?
Human Cost of Iraq War (Gwynne Dyer, October 16, 2006)
Hanging Saddam: Would it solve the problem?
Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an? (Kevin Hayes)
Islam Defiled: Again (Toledo Blade - January 07, 2007)
Darfur Crisis (Toledo Blade - March 2, 2007)
The Price of Oil
IRAQ (Toledo Blade - April 17, 2007)
Virginia Tech: You mourn, we mourn with you! (April 17, 2007)
OIC....Come Again? (May 17, 2007)
Interuniversity Dialogue: Davidson (NC) and Iraq (May 19, 2007)
The End (May 22, 2007)
Itching to Convert? Try Moronism! (June 3, 2007)
Itching to Convert? Try Moronism! (News Blaze, 2007)
Forty Years....Who Cares? (June 7, 2007/ Toledo Blade, June 12, 2007)
Gabriel's Wing: Bridges Connecting Islam and the West Do Exist (June 24, 2007)
The Mosque of Mischief (July 6, 2007; Dawn/ July 8, 2007)
Truth: The Other Casualty of Iraq War (Toledo Blade, August 1, 2007)
Science and The Islamic World (Physics Today, August 2007)
Turkish Head Scarf (September 3, 2007)
Fear, or Fear of the Fear? (September 6, 2007; Toledo Blade, September 13, 2007)
Staggering Statistics (September 18, 2007)
The Blackest-Ever White Tree (September 23, 2007)
Down The Memory Lane...
Meet The New Evangelist @ Columbia! (Al-Ahram: October 11-17, 2007)
Islam, Science and the West (Pakistan Link, October 12, 2007)
The Indo-US Nuke Treaty: It Will Come to Bite Us (October 14, 2007)
India, Israel nuclear ambitions suspect (Toledo Blade - November 07, 2007)
What Crime? (Toledo Blade - December 21, 2007)
Year That 2007 Was (December 23, 2007)
Canonizing BB (December 28 & December 30, 2007; January 2, 2008)
Silence is Collusion (Shakila Abdul-Majeed, Toledo Blade, January 16, 2008)
Giuliani ‘Rude-off!'
Maligning Muslims/ Tainting Islam (February 17, 2008)
Senator: You Ain't No Will Smith! (March 1, 2008; NewsBlaze - March 2, 2008)
Obamanon! (NewsBlaze, March 6, 2008)
Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa - A Voice Of Moderation (March 13, 2008)
Our Next President, A Global Policeman? (NewsBlaze, April 5, 2008)
Happy Fifth Anniversary in Iraq (NewsBlaze, April 13, 2008)
You Must be Kiddin'! (May 3, 2008)
This I Believe (June 15, 2008)
A New Dawn.... (November 5, 2008)
Terrorists Rot in Hell! (December 4, 2008)
Others view conflict differently than U.S. (The Blade February 1, 2009)
The U.S. must learn from Soviet mistakes in Afghanistan (The Blade, March 09, 2009)
CIA terror memos are very scary (The Blade April 27, 2009)
Insult to Toledo’s Mainstream Muslims (Independent Collegian, August 29, 2009)
Fort Hood Massacre: A Muslim Mourns (Fort Hood Sentinel, November 12, 2009)
Islam Not Behind Fort Hood Killings (Toledo Blade, November 19, 2009)
Legislators Lack Health, War Insight (Toledo Blade, December 19, 2009)
Afghanistan War Not Winnable (Toledo Blade, February 01, 2010)
In The Name of Art
For the Right-Winged Bloggers, Halloween Season Has Arrived!
From Ashes of Hatred and Phobia, Let There Rise a Bridge of Understanding (NewsBlaze, August 15, 2010)
Muslims Want Part in Healing (Toledo Blade, August 17, 2010)
Martin Luther King Jr. tells us why the mosque must be built (Stephanie J. Jones -Washington Post)
Rev. Jones: You might burn the Book, you will not decimate the Faith! (The SOP, September 9, 2010)
Dove Outreach Circus (Toledo Blade, September 11, 2010)
A Bigot? Not Me, No Me, Not Me!!! (NewsBlaze, October 24, 2010)
A US Pilots' Tale: The Gauntlet of Goodwill (The Express Tribune, November 28, 2010)
People need to have a heart: and brain too (Toledo Blade, December 07, 2010)
Why Sweden? (The Local, December 21, 2010/Stockholm News, December 18, 2010)
The Consoler (Tuscon, AZ, January 12, 2011)
What Do We Owe to Christina Green? (NewsBlaze, January 17, 2011)
All Pharaohs Drown - Ultimately (NewsBlaze, February 13, 2011; Toledo Blade, February 18, 2011)
Taste of Freedom (Dawn, February 20, 2011)
Olof Palme: JFK of Sweden (Stockholm News, February 28, 2011; UTNews, June 17, 2011)
God's House in Stockholm (Stockholm News, May 22, 2011)
Fake Sharia Threat Distracts from Real Problems (Daily Iowan, July 26, 2011)
Selective Islam (Imran Great Khan)
Apartheid in the Holy Land: Archbishop Desmond Tutu Said it 5 Years Before President Jimmy Carter Did
Apartheid? There Ain't No Apartheid in Gaza! (Jonathan Cook)


 © Dr. Abdul-Majeed Azad, Perrysburg, OH 43551, USA. 2001-2010. All other articles copyrights of respective owners.