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casbah rocking. really.
part 1

Me, Jenny, in Ceramics. Taken by Sara..what else can I say.

Ali Jenghis, one of my best buddies. He is awesome.

Erica Tempesta was in Pippin and Children of Eden with me. Woo!

Erin, being a cocaine addict, pictured here with her bag of cocaine. Yeah, if cocaine = baking soda.

Keely is wonderful and awesome! I love her so much

Mackenzie, Keely and Emily. What more can I say.

Kevin, who has the same birthday as me. We're twins!!

This is the best picture of kyle that will ever exist.

Lindsey: Very pretty...a little obscure...

Yeah, they're pretty.

Mike, one of my very good friends. I hang out with him and Joel like, every weekend.

Nate is wonderful. The most wonderful. odd...

Another picture of Kevin, my hocky loving buddy.

Tommy is the only thing that keeps English fun.

Tommy and Alex. Yipee!

When he's being nice, he's really fun to be around. I like him lots.

I used to hang out with Andy all the time, but we don't so much anymore. I miss him.

Anna and Adem, before the bonfire a while ago.

Brian: brightning espanol every day.

Dylan, a great man. This picture makes me happy.

My buddies, gathered around the bonfire. That was fun.

Dylan and Chris, huffing air. Silly boys.

Keels and Emily, again at the bonfire.

Lots of pictures of keely, because she makes everyone happy :)

Pete and Kyle, not enjoying Asian focus.

Toby: the wonderful, special person that nobody compares to.

BENNNY BENNY BENNY he runs alot and his sister is HOTTTT!!!11

The most special boy in the entire world, Will.
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