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Yeah The Selbys! Joey

Chapel Hill is a place I feel pretty fortunate to grow up in. It's super liberal and I don't think I would get to do the awesome stuff I do now anywhere else.

I love Pennywise.

I love working at the Internationalist.

For those who don't know, the Internationalist is a really cool independent bookstore downtown. It's not a paying job, just for community service. But it's a really awesome place where everyone should go.

My favorite thing (even though I hate putting value on inanimate objects - materialism sucks) is my zine collection. I have over 50, mostly about punk rock and DIY, scams, stories, resources, and other stuff.


Counterstrike is my life.

Pictures I took last year of people.

More pictures

Last night I went to a teach-in about IMF and World Bank. I didn't really absorb any of it, it was kinda boring, but I got to hang out with my friend Cricket. He is special to me for the sole reason that he was the first person I became friends with that was doing something totally different and totally awesome. I would never do the travelling hippie punk rock thing, but I think it's totally cool that other people are. He's had a big influence on me because I'd never met anyone like him before. Plus he was impressed because I knew what freeganism was.
I am an athiest.

My sister is the most amazing person I've ever met. She got me into the Internationalist and zines and music. I miss her alot.

In middle school, there was this guy - Ivan - and I was really mean to him. Thinking about it now I realize that he was actually really cool and if I hadn't been such a stupid girl then than maybe we would have been friends. I'm sorry for being such a bitch.

something awful

"We're all dead if we fall into the belief that the AMERICAN WAY is the only way to think act and live..." -Garbage Liberation Front.

People say all the time "don't judge." But why would you act the way you do and dress the way you do if you didn't want someone to judge you? By wearing fancy clothes, you want people to judge you as being rich. I judge people. Most of the time I'm right. I want people to judge me a certain way because I don't want to be labled as a 'stupid girl' or typical or anything else except that I don't really care what people think about me and that I am kind of a hippie (or would be if I didn't live in the suburbs with my parents.)

I like things that smell good and boys who smell bad. I don't like perfume or anything artificially scented. I like electronic music and I like zines. I like the internationalist and learning about stuff I care about. I like when I have really good relationships with my teachers. I like that in the past year I have realized so much, especially about how competition amongst women is the reason for sexism still existing today. I like that when the leaves are gona in the winter you can walk through the woods easier and I like how in the summer everything is green. I like how snow reflects moonlight. I like that while I don't support a lot of American aspects, I am free to express my discontent.

I really like living in North Carolina. Chapel Hill is great and the weather is amazing.

Vermont is a very nice place. Currently I plan to go to UVM in Burlington. Vermont has this wonderful un-exploited, un-industrialized aspect to it that is unlike any other state.

My mom had a pet duck named Yago. Every morning they would eat fresh duck eggs.

Violence is really dumb. I am totally pacifist and recognize that violence only breeds violence. It's such an incredibly immature thing and is incredibly impractical.

I miss my AT friends.

Sara, Sydney, Scott, Paul, Will and Stephen are the greatest people in the world.

The entire trip was amazing. I made the best friends I've ever had, did so many new things. No regrets, I wouldn't change a thing.
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