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Ski Page.

My most special jewelery pieces are the ones that aren't necessarily sentimental, but pieces that other people wouldn't understand. Like my "CMOG" necklace. It's a wallet chain with the metal tab they give you to tell if you've paid from the Corning museum of Glass. Someday I am going to have a glass studio and made beautiful works of art that are absolutly beautiful and bright and colorful, like Dale Chihuly. I took a class on glass blowing a while back and made some glass rods and a paperweight. I love glass, it's so beautiful. Thats why that necklace is special.

My black stone-like things necklace is special because Nina gave it to me last year for christmas, and she's my best friend.

My rainbow necklace, new as of yesterday (Jan 22), is special because it was given to me from Marc (pictured on right) while skiing.

My wooden bracelet is special because I got it from Russian musicians that stayed at our house for a few days. It smells good.

I have Volant skis.

I have Lange boots.

Skiing is adrenalin.

Skiing is the only sport I am good at..well, fairly good at. I would be alot better if I got to ski more than 3 days a year, but when I live down south 14 hours away from my second home of Stratton, Vermont I treasure the few days that I do.

Snow is fluffy and I like it.

unrelated aphex twin

Snow reflects something like 85% of light. Water only reflects 10.

Things I vehemently hate:
-The color gaurd
-Saran Quick Covers
-all commercials
-retarded acronyms (such as Roy G. Biv. I never had a problem remembering the damn colors of the rainbow, why the fuck did they make a retarded acronym for it? Another example: All good buys deserve fudge. The musical staff is NOT HARD TO LEARN! Get a life retarded-acronym-writing-FOOLS!)
-makeup and deodorant and bathing too often. If you build yourself up than you can go a week or more without bathing. (I take about two showers a week, less if possible, and most people say I don't smell! But smelling is good, if you are around unpretentious people. It's totally an aphrodesiac and what you smell like is very individual.)

This is where I get my X-entertainment and SomethingAwful alias from. It's a trail at Stratton that's pretty cool. Short, but it's fun, plus I like the name.

Yeah, and Wintergreen has a trail called "Tequila".

This is Marc, I met him a while ago at Wintergreen. I think I link to his site on my link page.

He was pretty cool.

Wintergreen was a small mountain (well, hill..) that I knew my away around in about 4 minutes. But because I had a ski buddy it was all okay.

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