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This is just a little tag I put to gether from some old graphics I had
lying around and I couldn't come up with much lately, so I gave this a try
This is mostly done in Animation Shop
Written byİDorothy
..............Let's rock!............
Open your jukebox in AS....open the dancers
in AS...In PSP open a new canvas size
400x200...click on the text tool....click on font....
size set at 72...caps lock on....... stoke set at null...fill set at black or your choice of colour.....floating and antaliac checked....
your choice of font...type your name....while still active.....
go to effects....eye candy 3000....glass and use these settings
If you want a glow effect ...click on eye candy...glow and use these settings,
you don't want too much of a glow and again, this is your choice, you
can leave it just plain, I just wanted some colour...
Layers>merge......edit...copy....In animation shop
ctrl V or edit....paste as new animation
Now the work in AS begins
Open a new canvas...300x300.....colour white.....duplicate this frame
29 times for a total of 30 frames.....that's how many frames the dancers have....
Make sure the propagate is turned on
Click on your name...edit...copy....click on your new canvas....edit...select all ...
paste into selected frames.....place the text near the bottom...
Turn off the propagate button....Open your juke box, now there is only 3 layers so we have
to make 30...edit...select all...edit....copy...click on the last frame...
paste after current frame....do this until you have 30 frame in all...
right clicking on the last frame each time and pasting after current frame...
click on your 30 frames of the jukebox...edit...select all....click on the new canvas with your text
...edit ...paste into selected frames and place the jukebox on top of and in the middle
of your text....
open your dancers....edit....select all......click on the new canvas....edit...select all....
paste into selected frames and place you dancers on a letter....repeat this for the other side of the juke box....(if you want a little fun try reversing the
frames in the 2nd dancer)..when you save
your graphic...click on the custom button on the "animation quality output size"....click on the optimization tag and make sure " Write minimal frames is unchecked"
I re sized mine to 200 as it was quite big, but this is your choice
Now was that easy or what?
I hope you had fun with this tut. Thank you for visiting my
site and come back again soon