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Pony Ex-Press Submission Guidelines


I will edit all submissions received, but will work with you as much as possible.  I'm mainly looking for continuity issues, glaring contradictions with show canon, spelling, and grammar.  Please send all submissions in Word .DOC or .RTF format; .TXT does not retain any formatting. 


If you would like to submit via hard copy, please email me so that I can provide my address. 


A Times New Roman 12 pt font is preferred; I can change the font to meet zine specifications myself.  Please use italics for emphasis and internal character thought. 


I prefer that submissions not be published previously, but I will accept Netfic if it has been revised and expanded upon. 


Submissions to:  Questions to the same address.  Please state in the email or subject line which zine you are submitting to/asking about.


I will need your email address.  If you do not want your email address published, I can certainly understand--that will be your choice, but I need to be able to contact you.


Contributors will receive a free copy of the zine, except where noted in the zine description.


There is no page limit for submissions; if it is "too long" for the zine it is being submitted to, I can publish the story as a one-shot zine, or refer you to a publisher who can.


Artists:  Feel free to contact me with preferred fandoms--if I have nothing for you at the time, I can keep you in mind.  I prefer illustrations, but if a photo manip reproduces well, I might be able to use it.


Definitions for my purposes--


Gen--General fiction.  Rated G-R, canon-based stories with no onscreen sex or overt violence.  AU's are okay where the zine specifications permit.  A romantic relationship established on the show, if not graphically portrayed, would be fine if it does not take over the story.  The classic example is The Scarecrow and Mrs. King.  Another example is the Brackett/McCall romance on Emergency!  (This editor assumes that said relationship never officially ended.)  This includes same-sex relationships IF they are canon (example: Willow and Tara, or pretty much everyone on Queer as Folk).


If the relationship was established but discontinued (ie, The Sentinel--Jim and Carolyn), I'll consider it gen if the story is set in the time frame that the characters were together (ie, when Jim and Carolyn were dating or married, pre-series).

If a series has ended, I consider post series fic not to be AU, since we don't know what happened.


Ship/het--Ship is a relationship that is not canon, between a male and a female.  Example: Jack and Sam of SG-1.  Het is a relationship between a male and a female that is usually graphically depicted, but not always.  Rated G-NC-17. 


Adult--All NC-17 stories, whether they involve sex or not.  Some R-rated stories may also qualify, depending on content.


Slash--A non-canon same-sex relationship of any rating. 


I do not print warnings, but will be happy to tell you what's in a zine and where if you email me privately.  If there is a deathfic, the zine will come with no warning.  However, if you are not a death story reader, you can email me prior to purchase and ask if the zine contains a death story.  If you like, I'll tell you which story as well.  (This is only using a generalization; if you have any personally squicky subject, feel free to inquire.  I don't want you to spend money for something you're afraid to read.)