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Mountain Moving Coffeehouse
for Womyn
**Women only**Chem-free**Always A Donation**No Apology**

Mountain Moving Coffeehouse was a monthly women's entertainment event produced at the Summerdale Community Church at 1700 Farragut Street (northwest corner of Paulina and Farragut), on Chicago's north side.

Mountain Moving's final performance event on December 10, 2005 played to a packed house, featuring the charming and profound Deirdre McCalla, with smaller sets by the Artemis Singers and Radical Voices. Kathy Munzer was presented with a sterling pin of the Coffeehouse logo in recognition for her 29 years of service to the collective in keeping the Coffeehouse going. There was also a raffle for several groups of significant feminist books, CDs and women's music memorabilia donated by Toni Armstrong Jr. The evening closed on an energetic high note with a rollicking rendition of Ginny Clemens'"Solid Ground" by Surrendur Dorothy. Many attendees lingered long after, helping with cleanup and conversing, reluctant to let the evening end. The coffeehouse's shuttering is the end of an era, and creates a void in the community. It remains to be seen what will arise to fill that void.


We thank the lesbian/womyn's community for your support over the years.

We thank the many performers who have engaged and inspired us.

We thank the many womyn who have volunteered their time and energy to the Coffeehouse over her 31 years of creating and celebrating womyn's community.