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Like a bad hangover, the 86ers began late in the summer of 2000 and have been at it ever since. Justin & Edi had always been wanting to put together a band, but it just took a while getting it together. Moving, motorcycles and life had held us up, not to mention all of people we went through. Things first started with our friend Aaron Fenwick(Rickets, Kilcare) on drums with Edi & Justin trading off on guitar and bass until Mike K.(of the late Brown Bottle Flu) started in on bass. Since Edi wrote most of the lyrics, he ended up on vocals. After the set got to be more than four solid songs it was agreed that we needed a real singer. Thats when Justin suggested Brian(the Redundants, Axiom)and we picked up Patrick on bass, as Mike left to form Ms.45. This is when things really picked up.
January of 2001, we played our first show on New Years Eve at Billy Rays(a local pub). This was the first time this struggling dive had music, no $'s at the door but all the PBR the band could drink. Drank. Drunk! This triggered a series of shows, culminating with a benefit for Patricks Portland Scooter Club at the Jasmine Tree tiki lounge that ended in a supreme alchoholocaust. Aaron left the band soon after to pursue other interests. We then had a few hilarious auditiions with some local talents such as Adam(the Escaped) and some guy named Dan. Eventually we landed Mat Cudworth. He had'nt played in years, but still added a new "speed" and "power" to the set. After our first recording session and several tumultuous shows, Mat left the 86ers.
Not missing a beat and with several shows lined up, including a trip to 924 Gilman to open for our friends Pitch Black, Edger of the Buckskins was recruited. The first show back was at another local favorite, the Jolly Inn with the Filthy Animals and Straitjacket. As chaos ensued at one the funnest shows in Portlands past,Aleric of Bloodspit Nights was put though a table, and Brian carved some dipshits head with a busted open beer can! Fun! Now,finally, after two years, and with Edger on the stix the 86ers have solid line up & have been playing nonstop with the likes of One Day War, the Filthy Animals, Riot Cop, the Escaped, Anti World, Whiskey & Sin, Ms.45, etc We look forward to our trip to the Bay area to support Pitch Black's record release. Look for our new ep out late june, early july 2002 and and we still have a few of our split w/ Whiskey & Sin! It is available through lnterPunk at
Cheers and Beers, The 86ers!


Review by Erin Yanke in home of the demos in April 2002 Maximium Rock N Roll #227 (Demo CD) EIGHTY-SIXERS have great LEATHERFACE style, gruff vocals that sound sentimental somehow, and catchy music, full sound without annoying production. It's mostly midpaced, although when they deviate it's mostly busting out with more of a metal guitar sound, that kind of hardcore. Really good. (6 song CD, no lyric sheet.)

Review by Jonathan Floyd in June 2002 Maximium Rock N Roll #229 (86ers/Whiskey & Sin split 7") The pacific Northwest has good beer and gloomy skies so you basically have to choices, give in to the good beer and play fun punk rock a la LOPEZ(still Portland's best band despite what Mr. Thorn says) or let the despair bring you down a la TRAGEDY. Luckily the 86ERS and WHISKEY & SIN play the former, so all is good. I bet these bands are a blast to see live with a pint in the hand. (JF)

Review by Bruce Roehrs in October 2002 Maximium Rock N Roll #233 ("Send the 86ers EP" DRR#01) The 86ERS play some rough and tumble punk rock for you fucks! These Portland, Oregon punks rambo through five jagged-edge songs bound to leave you bleeding profusely. The rock 'n' roll foundation of this punk rock is firmly built with the strong backs of the working class. This is nasty enough to hold your attention, but melodic enough to make you tap your foot! On side one of the EP, the 86ERS come out kicking ass and taking names. The 86ERS are swingong big left hooks with "No Regrets" and then they slow it down with "The Shame." Side two starts out with melodic punk with "Rock Bottom," cranks it up to full speed with "Better Off Dead," and then spills the rest of thier bile with "In the End." This is a solid punk rock record with the emphasis on rock 'n' roll. (BR)
(86ERS, 4838 NE 40th, Portland, OR 97211,
