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January 20-February 18

YOU'RE THE temperamental teacher's pet, the control freak with a heart of gold. You'd bend over backward twice to help someone in need. Those closest to you, however, have learned to back away during your "moments." Temper, temper. When an Aquarius loses his/her cool, watch out! At the heart of it all, you're an eccentric humanitarian with a quirky sense of humor and a passion for social justice. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, traditionally associated with humanity and the welfare of the masses. It's often true however, that an Aquarian's concerns with the world's populace can leave those closer to them feeling a bit left out. The sign's ruler Uranus imparts an original and inventive manner of thinking and doing. They can be unpredictable and sometimes nigh on impossible to understand, but their nature is far from quirky. They approach life with a certain detachment, and are generally capable of standing back and taking a rational approach. They are more interested in the overview than the niggly personal details.

They do make wonderful friends. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, and they are always willing to help a friend, even if it does stem from their opinion that it's logical to help a friend out rather than any sentimental reason. They are capable of picking up the threads of friendship even if they lost touch with you eons ago. Aquarians' friends are more likely to number a large circle than one or two intimate people; one of their prime personality traits is the desire to feel free and unencumbered. Very close friendships tend to make them feel a bit claustrophobic; they'll usually maintain a slight distance which is a pity because they can then be afraid to ask a friend's help in return.

The Aquarian attitude to love and relationships is slightly more complex. They are perfectly capable of loving and their feelings are very genuine. They just have difficulty in explaining how they feel most of the time. Although exciting and inventive as lovers, the volatile emotional moods and crisis' of the water and earth signs leave the typical Aquarian completely mystified; their first reaction is always to think matters through and then explain themselves rationally. Aquarians are often a little embarrassed by effusive displays of emotion. They tend to act more as their partner's best friend, looking for someone who will share in their diverse interests and allow them at least the mental space and freedom they need.

Aquarius is associated with the sciences in general, and many born under this sign will have successful careers in the technological side of communications, electronics, and aviation. They dislike being tied to a routine and may do well working outside in the fields of nature conservancy or in the community working for the benefit of their fellow man in some way. They shine in any career that offers them the scope to apply their ideals and utilize their unusual talents. They need to have a degree of autonomy in their working day, and the responsibility to make decisions without having to constantly defer to a superior. Aquarians have a gift of being at ease with their colleagues, and are often active members of societies and clubs in their spare time. by Cambiel and Ophia

