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Basic Cancer information

June 22 - July 22They have excellent retention and a strong connection to the past and childhood memories. They are romantics and impressionable and they have a vivid imagination. They are the poets and teller of fanciful tales. They have strong hopes and dreams for those around them and if others fail to live up to their expectations they will be devastated.

They are collectors and they keep things for the nostalgic value and even those that pride themselves on nonclutter have a shoe box around somewhere that's filled with treasures from the past.

Not all of them need the domestic scene and many of them have the wonder lust traveling far and wide but they do need a home base to come back to.

There is nothing weak about Cancer and when they want something they will go after it and once won they will hang on with a quiet, unobtrusive tenacity forever or as long as possible.

Often there is an either/or relationship with the mother. They will cling and not want to leave mom or issues come up where the they will, for one reason or another cut mother or parents out of their life completely. These issues need to be faced and dealt with to bring peace of mind.

Cancer's enjoy luxury but in choosing any item their first priority is creature comforts. They want to pamper and put at ease anyone who enters their home and of course, family is first. Me and mine is an apt Cancer saying.

They are extremely protective of their children and try to safeguard them at every turn. This can be overdone and the expression -Jewish mother - emerges. They'll go overboard involving themselves in every area of the child's life even long after the child is grown which causes PROBLEMS. There is a controlling side to Cancer and they will manipulate others with guilt trips, self-pity and helplessness. They will sulk, pout, stop speaking and use emotional blackmail to get their own way. When hurt they have a biting, sarcastic tongue and can go right to the core of another's Achilles heel.

There is an emotional intensity about Cancer and if you act in an offhand manner with them they will withdraw totally. They can come across as inflexible and hard as rock but this is only an outer facade to protect themselves from being hurt, humiliated or rejected. Loud, angry outburst are not the crabs way. They abhor violence and need a calm loving environment in which to live or they cannot relax.

Much of they're motivation comes from deep fears of abandonment, rejection, and isolation. Their insecurities drives them to do their bests to integrate, merge and become part of a whole.

Cancer is a Cardinal sign meaning they are action oriented, busy and organized. They are aware, , shrewd, deliberate and get the job done. They are ambitious and hard workers and there are many wealthy people born under this sign. They are quiet, low key, shy and self protective. They are kind, supportive, understanding and thoughtful. They love having fun and enjoy a good joke but are not one to seek the limelight.

They are family oriented and have a very strong nesting instinct. Both male and female easily take on the role to protect and nurture those they love. They have intensely strong feelings and like they're ruler, the moon, their emotions fluctuate making it difficult, at times, for others to keep up with they're ever changing moods. There are the two kinds of Cancers. The Earth Mother, male or female, who takes care of and nurtures others and receive their reward from watching others thrive. The other is the baby. The clinging, desperate childman or childwoman always seeking validation, love and protection of a mother or father figure. Often this paradox is found within the Cancer individual and they're job is to become emotionally self sufficient so that they can choose a partner or friends out of preference rather than need. They are extremely sensitive and what they give out in compassion and nurturing they expect to get back. As children as well as adults they respond and flourish when treated with patience and gentle kindness and they should be protected from harsh or brutal treatment or they will live out what they have been taught. But when given respect for their emotional nature they learn how to get their needs met, as well as how to set boundaries and they will refuse to let others walk all over them. by Cambiel and Ophia
