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December 21 - January 22

PICTURE A MOUSY, conservative banker who one day rips off her horn-rimmed glasses, tousles her hair, and lets her inner freak wild. That's Capricorn for you. They are hardworking, persevering people who will travel life's hardest roads (but they also have a secret kinky streak down the middle). Capricorns reflect Saturn's conservatism, an earthy practicality, and derive their driving force from being a cardinal sign. While this all combines to make them determined, capable and reliable people, there is another side to the Capricorn nature which undoes this picture. At times Capricorns can suffer an overwhelming lack of confidence in themselves, and having started something with every intention of seeing it through in their inimitably competent manner, they become unsure of their abilities or feel that they're not going to live up to expectations. This is when they are their own worst enemies as the result is an ineffectual, undisciplined and indecisive goat who doesn't take full advantage of the dynamic energies avaialble to Saturn's subjects.

Rather than seeing them as serious and stand-offish personalities, anyone who knows a Capricornian well will be able to tell you that this appearance masks an inherent shyness and self-conciousness. It takes time to get to know these people properly, but this is time well invested as they are loyal and faithful to their friends, capable of maintaining friendships over many years and relating to friends from different generations to themselves. In fact another Saturn influence is shown in their ability to get on well with people older than themselves.

Being an earth sign there is a sensuality in Capricorns, but some can tend to keep it hidden, the practicality of this sign often being a bit of a dampner on their romantic opportunities. They find it more difficult than most to express their emotions, thinking that there is a risk involved in exposing the vulnerability of their feelings. There is also a need in Capricornians to have a partner they can look up to and respect. If they happen to choose a partner who increases their social standing then they consider it to be so much the better. They value permanence and security, need to have some kind of structure to make sense of their lives, and take the whole business of relationships very seriously.

Capricorns have inherent ambition, and will work tirelessly to get to the top of their chosen field. They have a painstaking thoroughness whatever they are doing, and don't mind investing long hours in a project if they are convinced it will pay off and further their career. They have no patience with people who take a more laissez-faire attitude and won't waste their valuable time on them. They make all their decisions carefully and sensibly, weighing up the situation and happy to wait for their turn to come, as they put one foot after another further up the ladder. They are found in all trades related construction, whether surveying, insuring, designing or actually building.

They are also quite happy to be totally responsible for a company, Capricorn probably finds the top job less lonely than some other signs would, although they are more often found in established companies than in on the ground floor of a new one. By Cambiel and Ophia


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