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May 23 -June 21

SOME DAYS, you're the life of the party, sparking heated conversations then slipping away to cause more mischief. At other times, you're extremely quiet, lost in the details of your latest mental trip. Gemini, the sign of the twins, is a study in contradictions--a yin and yang incarnate.

Here, there and everywhere just about sums up the typical Gemini. This air sign is versatile and endlessly curious about anything and everything. But they rarely give their attention to any one thing long enough to gain mastery of it. The original "grasshopper mind", Geminians are always ready to hop off and see what the next thing is all about before anyone's had a chance to pin them down. It isn't that they're not interested in what you have to say, they just seem to have the ability to think about a number of different things all at once. Very likely, they'll surprise you by returning to the subject out of the blue - giving you their opinions and imparting fresh slants on the matter you thought they'd forgotten about.

They make amusing partners and friends. Quick-wittedness and a light humour add a sparkle to their conversation. Friends of a Gemini will never be stuck for ideas on how to spend their free time, Gemini will always have a dozen suggestions ready. They're charming optimistic individuals who liven up any gathering.

They have the ability to see things from varying points of view, and although it can be frustrating trying to get them to come down off the fence, their indecisiveness is probably bothering them every bit as much. They use up an incredible amount of nervous energy.

Geminians live in their minds, and are turned on by a partner who understands and responds to this. Once they have fallen for someone they waste no time in letting their intended know all about it. They are the communicators of the zodiac and have no difficulty in expressing their feelings. Their relationships are more likely to be with those who they share an intellectual rapport with. There is a need in Geminians for variety, and this extends to their love lives - not necessarily a variety of partners, though this is a possibility with Gemini, but one partner who is prepared to adapt to their ever-changing ideas and isn't afraid of experimentation.

The very nature of Gemini makes them perfect for a career in the media or communications of some kind. PR, market research or any job which brings them into contact with the public is ideal. Their ability to communicate ideas effectively is an asset many sales departments make good use of. The main consideration in a Geminians choice of career should echo the theme of their lives - Variety with a capital V! By Cambiel and Ophia


Gator fills out forms and remembers passwords!