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July 23-August 23

ME, ME, ME. At the heart of it all, Leo has the pride, the ego, and the royal demeanor of a Lion. And one only need stroke that lion's ego to have Leo wrapped around your finger. Leos are grandiose, making magnanimous gestures of warmth and affection.

The lion is king of the jungle, the Sun shines brightest among all the stars and Leo blazes out royally from the zodiac! There is nothing modest about this sign, and they wouldn't demean themselves by assuming a false modesty. Leos are extremely proud and love to be admired and appreciated. They are generous in heart and spirits and strive always to get the most out of life. The pride of the lion has it's downfall of course, they cannot bear to be in the wrong about anything and can be quite stubborn in their insistence that they are right. But their assertive stance is rarely aggressive, they just find it difficult to accept any failings in themselves.

To count a Leo as your friend is to be in the company of someone who always has your best interests at heart. They'll take a genuine interest in your activities and endeavours; spurring you on to achieve more and making you believe in yourself. Leos have an ability to organise people and they aren't afraid to tell you if you could do something better by trying another way. It might come over as bossiness, but most Leos genuinely want to help you do the best you can.

In affairs of the heart Leos really come into their own. When they fall in love it's the hook line and sinker syndrome. There are no half measures in a Leos life, least of all in this area. The depths of their feelings can leave them strangely vulnerable and open to being wounded emotionally. Giving all they have to a partner, they are open hearted, steadfast and fiercely loyal. There is no room in Leo's life for deception or devious behaviour; they cannot understand it and won't tolerate it. They're not the type to play games with people's feelings and expect the same respect for theirs in return. If a genuine mistake has been made though, they are quick to forgive. Their enormous lions heart doesn't bear a grudge, and they're not too proud to forgive a genuine apology. Leo's main failing is jealousy, they need the assurance that they rule their lover's heart and come second to none. Supremely romantic, they love to make a fuss of their partner and spoil them with little gifts or surprise outings. They are deeply sentimental and warmly loving people.

Any career in which they can stamp their individual mark and be seen to be doing so suits Leo down to the ground. They have a flair for the dramatic, and need to have their efforts recognized. Working behind the scenes isn't as appealing to the typical Leo, who prefers to take centre stage. They dislike amateurism and strive to attain the best work from themselves and their colleagues. The nature of their work is of less importance than the way in which they execute it - always with their trademark style and panache. By Cambiel and Ophia.
