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February 19 - March 22 Pisces is the sign of unworldliness, sensitivity and mystery. The mutable nature of Pisces is symbolized by the two fishes, each of them swimming in a different direction. This is the essence of the Piscean nature, to flow with whatever current comes along; they are adaptable and impressionable, responding to changes around them almost unconsciously. Pisces is empathetic to such a degree that very often their own personality is submerged and they live through the feelings of those close to them. They are the natural psychics of the zodiac and are attracted to all things mystical and unworldly.

The Piscean is a very giving person, putting other's needs before their own to the point of self-sacrifice if need be. No-one makes a better listener than Pisces, they feel a friend's problems as if they were their own, often becoming emotionally involved themselves. Nothing is too much trouble for a Piscean if it means they can help ease a friend's woes, and they are usually totally unselfish in this respect. The disadvantage of such a willingness to always be on hand dispensing tea and sympathy etc. is that the Piscean may end up feeling a bit of a doormat and losing respect for themselves. If this happens the very real danger with Neptune ruling, is to turn to some form of escapism; alchohol, drugs and the like are Neptune's domain and Pisceans are more easily lulled into this world than anyone else.

Pisces sees the world through a romantically tinted haze, and this extends into their realtionships. They tend to idealize their partner, sit them up on a pedestal and all but worship them. The eternal romantic, Pisceans only start to gain a realistic view of love after experience has taught them a bitter lesson or two. Their emotions are always so close to the surface that it's impossible most of the time for them to be contained. The mutable nature of Pisces makes them willing to adjust to whatever they think will please their lover, and in this they can be truly chameleon-like; Pisceans are so variable and changeable that you never seem to be with the same person two days running.

In every Piscean soul dwells a fund of artistic creativity; the dream world they inhabit so often provides them with a wealth of material to bring to careers in writing, music, acting, dancing and all artistic professions. They are also in their element when their work involves caring for others, whether medically, spiritually or through a charitable organization. If they are emotionally involved in their work, their sense of vocation is very strong and they can be dedicated enough to specialize in their chosen field. By Cambiel.
