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She wants to be a dancer

the roses in her vase on the nightstand are dead

she wants to be a dancer and dance the stage

the flowers are years dead, brown and dry

the roses against the window are soft

she wants to be a dancer

and dance the stage for you

princes will bring her flowers

the roses against the window

have grown over the house

brambles and thorns surround her bed

she wants to be a dancer

and dance the stage

princes will see her dance

and you will bring her roses

the roses you brought her

are in the vase

and in her dream she dances for you

the roses are alive

in your dream you bring her roses

and she wants to be a dancer

for princes and for you.

Copyright © 1987-2000 J. Sauer All rights reserved

"The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less."

Life is so complicated, the hustle and bustle of everyday traumas, can make us lose focus about what is truly important or what is only a monetary setback or crisis. This week, be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug, and by all means, take a moment ... even if it is only ten think about the little things that make you smile

By Unknown

*Near to the door*

*he paused to stand*

*as he took his class ring*

*off her hand*

*all who were watching*

*did not speak*

*as a silent tear*

*ran down his cheek*

*and through his mind*

*the memories ran*

*of the moments they walked*

*and ran in the sand hand and hand*

*but now her eyes were so terrible cold*

*for he would never again*

*have her to hold*

*they watched in silence*

*as he bent near*

*and whispered the words..*....

*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*

*he touched her face and started to cry*

*as he put on his ring and wanted to die*

*and just then the wind began to blow*

*as they lowered her casket*

*into the snow....*

*this is what happens*

*to man alive.....*

*when friends let friends....*

*drink and drive.*

By Unknown

Canvas I Shall Be

Be my bedroom artist

Your canvas I shall be

Kiss stroke my face

Begin lip painting me

Raise me to your lips

Garments cast aside

Feather stroke fingers

Gently let them glide

Trailing softly with lips

Kisses began flowing

Hot neath artist hands

My body was glowing

Painting a bare canvas

In rapturous ecstasy

Smoothly I’m captured

With passionate artistry

By Someone ;)
