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In Los Angeles at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, one man brought to fruition years of effort, concentration, focus, determination, skill and refinement. The results included becoming the first American gymnast in history to score a perfect 10, a gold medal victory, a silver medal, and two bronze medals. Not bad for a couple of weeks work.

The real secret behind Mitch Gaylord's success includes an understanding of how the POWER of FOCUS can be used in anyone's life to achieve success and fulfillment. FOCUS stands for: Flow, Originality, Consistency, Unstoppable Confidence, Strength. And they all add up to POWER.

Mitch was appointed to the President's Council for Physical Fitness by Ronald Reagan and inducted into UCLA's Hall of Fame. His work has included: host of his own television series, journalist, broadcaster, author, stuntman, actor, husband and father! Is it any wonder why Mitch Gaylord is in constant demand for commercial endorsements, speaking engagements and acting parts? This is a man who's story is not only interesting, but also motivating, compelling and uniquely personal.

Today the thunderous applause of 1984's Olympic crowds has quieted now - replaced by enthusiastic cheers and accolades from business and association audiences everywhere. They've come to hear an uplifting story of trial and triumph as told by the man who lived and lives it to the fullest! Mitch Gaylord shows audiences from all walks of life how the POWER of FOCUS can make winners out of real people in real life situations.

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