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Something Colorful: Care Bear Want List
Care Bear Want List
Care Bears:
  1. 18 inch: 

    • Birthday Bear
    • love a lot bear (don't have, but don't want that bad)
    • Cheer Bear (don't have, but don't want that bad) 
    • bedtime bear (don't have, but don't want that bad)
    • wish
    • tenderheart (don't have, but don't want that bad)
    • good luck bear
    • any others if they came in this size - but i don\'t think anymore bears were made 18 inches
  2. 36 inch

    • tenderheart
    • cheer
  3. 13 inch bears:

    • take care bear
    • secret bear (both talking (need an upgrade) and regular plush version).
  4. 6 inch bears:

    • daydream
    • birthday
    • wish
    • love a lot
    • share
    • surprise
    • trueheart
    • forest friend
  5. care bear cousins:

    • loyal heart dog
    • noble heart horse
    • playful heart monkey
    • proudheart cat
    • treatheart pig
  6. cubs:

    • *have them all now*
    • cub accessories:

      • bedtime bear's booties & pacifier
      • funshine\'s booties & pacifier
      • proudheart cat's bottle
      • cheer bear's jacket & pacifier
      • share bear's bottle
      • bright heart racoon's booties & bottle
    • care bear clothing:

      • rainy day slicker
      • sweet dreamers
    • minis:

      • Birthday Bear Ready for a party
      • Birthday Bear Sitting with a present
      • Bedtime Bear Ready for a snooze
      • Bedtime Bear Sleeping on a fluffy pillow
      • Bedtime Bear Napping with a nightcap
      • Birthday Bear with a milk bottle
      • Champ Bear Celebrating a win
      • Cheer Bear Cheering from the sidelines
      • Friend Bear with an ice pop
      • Friend Bear Sharing a soda for two
      • Friend Bear Sitting with a flower
      • Funshine Bear Dancing with a butterfly
      • Funshine Bear Ready to lead the band
      • Good Luck Bear Digging for treasure
      • Good Luck Bear Finding a ladybug
      • Good Luck Bear Holding a horseshoe
      • Good Luck Bear Pouring four-leaf clovers
      • Grams Bear Enjoying the day
      • Grumpy Bear Spilling a colorful rainbow
      • Grumpy Bear Trying not to get wet
      • Baby Hugs Bear Making paper dolls
      • Baby Hugs Bear Playing with her ball
      • Love-A-Lot Bear Offering a bunch of roses
      • Love-A-Lot Bear Sharing his heart
      • Tenderheart Bear Giving himself a hug
      • Baby Tugs Bear Ready to shovel some clouds
      • Baby Tugs Bear Stacking blocks
      • Wish Bear Making wishes come true
      • Cloudkeeper Shining an award
      • Professor Cold Heart Trying to freeze your feelings
      • Bright Heart Raccoon Solving a problem
      • Cozy Heart Penguin Skating figure eights
      • Swift Heart Rabbit Racing on a skateboard
    • care bear tv trays
    • care bear mugs (any except):
      • "pamper yourself a little"
      • "have a yummy day"
      • "put your heart in all you do"
      • "hello world"
      • "fill your day with love"
    • care bear plates (any except):

      • birthday bear on it (have a yummy day)
      • goodluck bear on it
    • care bear suitcases

    • care bear record tote

    • posables:

      • birthday bear
      • baby tugs
      • share bear
      • gentle heart lamb
      • braveheart lion
      • harmony
      • trueheart
      • daydream
      • seafriend
      • forestfriend
      • surprise
      • secret bear
      • loyal heart dog
      • playful heart monkey
      • treatheart pig
      • proudheart cat
      • nobleheart horse
    • posable accessories:

      • grumpy\'s umbrella
      • wish\'s telescope
      • bedtime\'s alarm clock
      • love a lot\'s bouqet
      • tug\'s bucket
      • gram\'s bicnic basket
      • coldheart\'s mug
      • friend\'s watering can
      • cheer bear\'s megaphone

    • cloud car\'s:

      • umbrella
      • pink steering wheel
    • rainbow roller