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1. you can call me: Alex
2. eyes: i've got 2. they're brown.
3. hair: lots of that too. it's brown.
4. height: 5'10 or so.
5. shoe size: 10.5
6. top elvis costello song: hmm.. "oliver's army"
7. reason to have faith in humanity: turbochargers and intercoolers
8. best nick-name you ever gave someone: somy (chris coan)
9. best vacation ever: every beach trip.
10. single/taken: taken by the lovely karen.
11. if you can't trust rob crean, who can you trust?: NOBODY! or jay piques.
12. favorite use for the word "donkey": "brian's a donkey"
13. do you love me, now that i can dance?: maybe. do you love me?
14. broken bones?: left shin. is that the femur or tibia? i can't remember. it hurt.
15. stiches?: none. actually, i had some in my mouth when i got my wisdom teeth out.
they fell out with the help of my tongue.
16. where my dogs at?: i have a fat doggy. also known as "the ottoman"
17. favorite spot in easton: hmmm.. that place off of pond st. w/ the rock and the lake.
i don't think it has a name..
18. top five tv shows: i don't watch a lot of tv so i don't really know.. but..
the simpsons, saturday night live, the daily show, jay leno, conan o'brien.
19. top five movies: training day, american history x, a bronx tale, pulp fiction, reservoir dogs.
20. biggest fear/anxiety: being alone, or never being successful.
21. belt or suspenders: belt, but i don't wear either.
22. favorite article of clothing: my transnine pants, or white t-shirts.
23. best thing anyone ever said to me: "i love you"
24. current favorite local band: take action, all nines, age of mine, the young idea
25. countries i've been to: just the good old usa, and canada.

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