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Britney Was All The Buzz In '01

Britney Spears is living proof that a person or product cannot be marketed too heavily. The curvaceous singer is more popular than Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, the Backstreet Boys and even Harry Potter, but not as popular as PlayStation 2 -- at least when it comes to Web searches -- but still came in second behind PlayStation2 on overall search hits between Jan. 1 and Dec. 15, according to the Yahoo! Buzz Index.

The top 20 Yahoo! searches included WWF (3), Dragon Ball Z (4), Napster (5), World Trade Center (6), "Harry Potter and the Sourcer's Stone" (7), Dale Earnhardt (8), NASCAR (9), the Internal Revenue Service (10), Jennifer Lopez (11), 'NSYNC (12), Las Vegas (13), Eminem (14), Osama bin Laden (15), prophet/Web-hoax target Nostradamus (16), the Backstreet Boys (17), Pame la Anderson (18), Morpheus (19) and Pokemon (20).

The Buzz Index is a tool that measures user engagement with brands, products and technologies online, tracks trends, and helps marketers monitor the effectiveness of online and offline campaigns, according to the company.

Why all the interest? As one marketing analyst put it, "It's never been possible to count the number of people who are watching television ads with the same kind of accuracy."

Others on the 2001 Buzz Index include TV's "Survivor" (22), "Big Brother" (23), the American flag (26), Madonna (27), Xbox (29), Aaliyah (32), Afghanistan (42), NBA (48), "The Simpsons" (53), Christina Aguilera (57), NFL (58), "Friends" (60), Mariah Carey (63), Kazza (73), Janet Jackson (80), Nintendo's GameCube (81), Angelina Jolie (86) and Carmen Electra (89).

-- Brandweek Staff