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Time for Britney to dress up her act

Being a 14-year-old fan of Britney Spears makes it hard for me to criticize her, but I feel that a role model to so many young girls should button up a little (''Britney to little-girl wannabes: 'It's up to parents,' '' Life, Aug. 24).

I read in USA TODAY's article that she really doesn't like to be considered a role model. Well, I'm sorry, Miss Spears, but you don't have the luxury to decide whether you want to be a role model. By being a superstar you already are, especially since your music appeals to young girls -- many of whom are looking for a role model.

She says that her skimpy clothes are part of ''a fantasy world'' and that she really doesn't ''go to the store in a red cat suit.'' It's great that she dresses more appropriately in her personal life, but that's just the problem. Fans don't see her in her personal life, but in her professional life, in which she dresses in a provocative manner.

Sandy Humes

Arroyo Grande, Calif.

From 'sexy' to 'greedy'

Britney Spears hasn't been a role model since her performance at last year's MTV Video Awards.

What America needs to realize is that Spears doesn't care how you dress or how much you spend on her CDs. All she cares about is herself and how much money is in it for her.

If Spears were really a role model, wouldn't she be giving back to the fans instead of getting snippy?

I think it's time for Britney to grow up and realize that her image as a once-sexy singer is fading and that she has turned into someone who is greedy.

Don't expect me to buy your new CD, Britney.

Sean M. McNair

Buffalo, N.Y.