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Britney speaks about career break

Britney Spears has spoken of her new life out of the spotlight after deciding to take a break from the music business.

Britney, 21, recently announced she was having six months off amid reports that she was suffering from exhaustion.

She is now spending time relaxing at her family home in Louisiana but the singer says she is finding it strange having nothing to do.

"I've just got to the point where I can really allow myself to relax," she told In Style magazine.

"The other day, I was in my room, and I was like 'I'm bored. This is what it's like to be bored!' And it was kind of cool. But I think it will only last for a week or two."

Britney, who has amassed a £40 million fortune, admitted she found it difficult being public property.

"I'm in complete denial that I am 'Britney Spears'. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm just a human being," she said.

The star also claims to be mystified about why people are so fascinated in whether or not she is still a virgin. She said: "What's the big deal? I find it interesting that everyone finds it so interesting. It's bizarre."

Britney has also insisted her split with Timberlake was amicable and says it happened because they were moving in different directions.

"We're climbing two different mountains. His priorities are different from mine right now," she said. "It wasn't a bad break-up, we still talk all the time."