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Britney tops fashion victim poll

Britney Spears has been voted the world's worst-dressed celebrity by British readers of Prima magazine.

Britney Spears /AP

Madonna came second in the poll, but she also made it on to the list of best-dressed celebrities.

Victoria Beckham was named the world's best-dressed celebrity after topping the worst-dressed poll for the past two years.

The former Spice Girl beat the likes of Catherine Zeta Jones, Nicole Kidman and Kylie in the survey of 1,000 readers.

Glamour model Jordan was voted third worst-dressed celebrity, followed by Planet Of The Apes actress Helena Bonham-Carter.

TV presenter Judy Finnigan came fifth, doubtless due to her dress slipping during an awards ceremony to reveal an unflattering bra.

Marie Fahey, editor of Prima magazine, said: "It is interesting that in a year that Victoria Beckham has reverted to a more understated and classic look, she tops the poll as the best-dressed celeb.

"I am not surprised at all that Britney has been voted worst-dressed. Since she has outgrown the teen-girl look, she seems to have become confused about her style."

Worst-Dressed Celebrities:
1 Britney Spears;
2 Madonna;
3 Jordan;
4 Helena Bonham-Carter;
5 Judy Finnigan

Best-Dressed Celebrities:
1 Victoria Beckham;
2 Catherine Zeta Jones;
3 Kylie;
4 Madonna;
5 Nicole Kidman