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Careless Britney starts fire in her apartment

Britney Spears has set fire to her New York apartment after leaving a candle burning.

Britney left a candle burning in front of an air vent while she went shopping with a friend.

When they returned, a wall was on fire and Britney had to call the fire brigade.

Britney's mum, Lynne, said: "Britney went to New York for four days. She and Jenny, her friend, shopped every day. One of those nights, they all came in to a real mess.

"Brit left a candle burning. The wall caught fire and the fire department had to put it out."

Lynne says Britney has previously set fire to the bathroom in the family home after leaving a candle burning, reports The Sun.

"Brit has really learned a lesson this time," said her mum.