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Britney's tiara slipping

Pop princess Britney Spears seems to be on a mission to ditch her crown.

The once-loved chart topping teen stunner can be seen attending her showbiz bashes accompanied by boos from her one-time fans.

Things started going badly when she abandoned a concert part way through because of electrical problems.

But more recently she turned up the a movie premiere to cheers from fans, but paid them no attention and waltzed on in as if they weren't there.

Needless to say the cheers stopped to be replaced by a more negative atmosphere.

And last night she turned up for Matthew Williamson's New York fashion show an hour late.

But rather than sneaking in quietly to catch the last bit like me and you, she had the show wait for her.

Her pantomime arrival, to a barrage of boos, was a welcome sight for the models, queen diva Naomi Campbell included, who had been forced to sit round and entertain themselves.