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Britney bored but happy at home

Britney Spears has been pondering her future just days after reports that she is taking at least six months off suffering from exhaustion.

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The singer posed for pictures in the garden of her mother's idyllic home in Kentwood, Louisiana, the first shots taken of the star since news broke of her plans to abandon showbusiness for the time being.

The star, who is worth £40million, was careful not to be drawn on reports that she was "burned out" at the age of 21. Though she did offer: "I've just got to the point where I can really allow myself to relax."

Speaking to In Style magazine, the singer added that, after years in the showbiz limelight, her first few days in Kentwood (population 2,500) had provided her with a whole new experience - being bored.

She said: "The other day I was in my room and I was like, 'I'm bored'. This is what it's like to be bored. And it was kind of cool. But I think it will only last for a week or two."

Spears also spoke about her recent split with long-term sweetheart Justin Timberlake.

She said: "We're climbing two different mountains. His priorities are different to mine right now." But she can't escape the constant reminders. "You go out to a club and people say, 'Are you fine? Are you fine?' And it's like, 'I'm here aren't I?'" She continues: "It wasn't a bad break-up. We still talk all the time."

Spears also recalls her reaction to seeing a picture of Timberlake in a Hollywood club with another woman. "Of course it's gonna kind of hurt sometimes, and you wonder things," she says. "But you learn from it and grow. I'm trying to get to that point."

She also has some remarkable news about who she now has in her sights. "Hugh Grant is so cute - I think he's the hottest thing in the world," she said.

News of her break from the industry came after a number of setbacks. As well as her relationship ending, she was booed by fans in London and Mexico. Two months ago, her parents' marriage fell apart and she has also suffered the embarrassment of food poisoning claims at a restaurant she owns in New York.

Many commentators believe Spears has long been struggling to cope with the pressures of fame.

Earlier this month there were claims in the US that she was "still obsessed" with Timberlake. She is also said to have developed a massive crush on Leonardo DiCaprio.

A music industry source said: "She is desperate to hook up with someone who will make Justin jealous. She is 21 going on nine years old, and just can't get over the fact that he has moved on."