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During Britney's whirlwind 48-hour visit to London this week, she partied, got booed by her fans and gave a press conference to UK journalists but banned any questions about Justin Timberlake, her virginity and the 11 September tragedy. So what was there left to talk about? Oh, lots. Find out what exactly in this interview...

On Crossroads, career goals and acting debuts
Why did you choose to make a movie at this point in your career?
I was inspired by the plot and the theme of the friendship between three girls and that despite their differences, their bond was still strong.

What else would you like to do in your career?
Oh God, there's so many things. I'd like to star in more movies. I'd like to produce other artists maybe. Who knows. My mind is full of so many things.

Like your character Lucy in Crossroads, have you reached a crossroads in your personal life?
Personally, the main crossroads in my life was three years ago when I left home in Louisiana and decided to go to the big City to get a record deal.

What do you like to do when you're in London?
I love the food here and I love to go shopping. Whenever I come here I never have many days off but I'd like to take a proper holiday in London sometime because I have cousins here.

How nerve-wracking was it acting in your first movie?
I was real nervous at first. I'm very used to performing on stage and being comfortable with that. But I had two weeks before the movie started shooting just so I could feel comfortable on the set and get to know the people on the film. Once I settled into the role it got easier.

Are you planning to manage your little sister Jamie's career?
No, those reports were false. My sister is just 13 and although she's really confident, she's a bit young right now to get a record deal. She's real talented but I think she's got lots of time yet before she gets into the business.

In the movie you go on a road trip. What would be your dream road trip and what would you take with you?
I don't know where I'd go. I'd go cross country and see where it takes me. I'd take three friends. We'd bring a lot of CDs, a lot of food and a credit card.

On Pop Idols, Madonna and 'N Sync
What makes a great Pop Idol and who do you prefer, Gareth or Will? Britney:
Erm, Gareth won right? Oh, Will won. OK. I think to make a great pop idol you have to love to sing and enjoy what you do and be inspirational to your fans.

If you had to settle for making music or making films what would you choose?
Music is in my heart and soul. That's what I'm born to do. But right now this film has taken me to a whole different territory and I want to focus on that.

What motivates you and is it difficult to have a personal life?
I'm just really passionate about what I do and I love entertaining and telling stories for people. This is always what I've wanted to do. There's always a time for downtime, even when I'm working really hard I'll get a few weeks off and that's when I really relax.

Why did you choose to use tracks by Madonna and 'N Sync in the movie?
Oh, why not? I thought it would be really funny that the three girls in the car are so into Madonna and 'N Sync but the bad boy (Anson Mount) really hates that kind of music.

How do you manage to keep a normal life?
I keep a group of friends around me that I've had for years. Also, when I go home to my mum in Louisiana I'm just treated as one of the family. If I don't make up my bed I get shouted at and I think that's cool.

On more movies, theatre and a duet with Kylie!
In the movie the friends put wishes in a time capsule. What wishes would you put in a time capsule?
Personally? To be healthy, have healthy kids and to be happy.

Do you feel pressure to have huge success with this movie?
This movie is something I wanted to do. Creatively I was on my third tour and I wanted to express myself in a different way. I didn't feel any pressure to make a movie. I just felt it would be interesting to do.

Do you have any other films in the pipeline?
I love romantic comedies. I'd love to do one of those and make people laugh. (Britney's production company are currently developing two films, one about an intense relationship and another is a dramatic ensemble piece.)

What was it like seeing yourself on the big screen for the first time?
It was really nerve-wracking at first to see your face up on screen but after a while I forgot that it was me up on screen.

Madonna is appearing on the West End stage soon. Is that something you'd like to do?
I started off doing theatre. I was on stage off Broadway when I was eight. I love performing on stage. I'd love to go back to theatre one day. That instant reaction from the audience you get on stage is great. I feel very comfortable with that.

Would you like to work with Kylie Minogue?
I think she's great. I just bought her album and it's cool. I'd love to work with her.

What advice would you give to teenagers growing up now?
To have fun, be true to yourself, hang out with your friends and just follow your heart and be you.

What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Ooh, I can't tell you that.

Was it important to you that the movie dealt with real teenage issues?
Yes, I wanted it to be about issues that teenagers deal with every day and I wanted the message to be that whatever you face, as long as you have your friends to get through it, it's cool.

Did you have a say in who was chosen as the leading man?
Yes, I had a lot of say. I liked Anson (Mount) because he has ruggedness and a mystery that I find very attractive.

Who are your heroes that you've managed to meet?
I've met Madonna. I met her at her show in Philadelphia. I think she's amazing. I've met Cher. I think she's really cool. But my ultimate idols are Janet Jackson and Madonna.

Do you ever wish you weren't Britney Spears?

Are you an intense relationship right now?
I wouldn't say an intense relationship, no.

Britney's new single I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman is out 1 April.