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Just like a woman
November 16, 2003

Britney Spears opens up on Madonna, Justin and her 'not sexy' new CD.

Britney Spears doesn't get it.

On her new CD, "In the Zone," she heavy-breathes through 50 minutes of lines like:

"I don't want to be a tease/Undo my zipper please," "Baby don't stop/You're halfway there," and "I got the boom boom/That you want."

But she doesn't see why this makes it a sexy record.

"That's what everyone puts the emphasis on," Spears says with a ticked-off edge, as she sits in the lounge of the Hit Factory recording studio, eating a banana.

"Suddenly they act like, 'Oh, you're this sexy girl.' They're going to misconstrue it in the way they want."

It would be hard to misconstrue lyrics like:

"My sex drive ... Outrageous," "Grab my waist/Take it lower," or "Pull on me baby/I'll take you higher" - each of which is matched to deep-grinding beats and chest-heaving vocals.

Yet, Spears insists the album is "about expressing myself."

"Most true artists get it," she says. "It's like a spiritual experience."

Certainly, it's an attention-getting one. And Spears needs the limelight as she prepares to release "In the Zone" Tuesday. Musically, the album tries to prove that - like fellow ex-teen stars Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake (Spears' ex-boyfriend) - she has grown up. Spears does seem much changed from the singer I interviewed two years ago. Then, she was giggly and shy. Now, she's more assertive and combative - if still puzzlingly coy about her sexier displays.

Still, in a wide-ranging interview with the Daily News, Spears opened up about a number of hot-button topics, including:

  • That Kiss: She says that the much-publicized smooch was "awesome" - and that it was Madonna's idea.

  • Her Special Relationship With Madonna: "Maybe she was my husband in another life."

  • Justin's Video That Taunted Her: "I was shocked - s——less."

  • Her Interest in the Kabbala: "I would never do it unless it was working. And it's the only thing I really recommend people get into."

  • Rumors of Her Relationship With Her Choreographer, Columbus Short: "God, no."


    Spears will admit that "three songs on the CD are really sensual." One, titled "Touch of My Hand," is about self-stimulation. "It's a healthy thing," Spears says. "It's not about going out and being with a guy and screwing around."

    She believes the subject came up because "this time in my life I'm not really with anybody, so I'm curious about the whole thing."

    On another song sure to get attention, "Early Morning," she sings of being "passed out on the couch at dawn" after a full night of "shaking my a——." Such statements play into the hands of gossip columnists who've paid special attention to the time Spears spends smoking and drinking in nightclubs. Spears believes the reason she gets unusual scolding for such activities is because "I was growing up in the public eye from when I was 16. So they always think of me as 16."

    This may also help explain why Spears' open-mouthed smooch with Madonna at September's MTV Video Music Awards generated worldwide chatter, while Madonna's lip action with Christina Aguilera during the same number generated barely a peep. There's more shock value in the worldly Madonna kissing the less experienced Britney than there is in her kissing the more low-down Aguilera.

    Spears professes to be baffled why she got more attention than Aguilera. (A well-placed source at MTV says Aguilera's management was none too pleased about it.)

    It was Spears who came up with the notion to get Madonna to perform on "Me Against the Music," the first single from "In the Zone." Lately, Madonna has been acting like the president of the Britney Spears fan club."She's like my godmother," Spears says. "When I'm around her I feel very safe, and there are few people I feel that way around. And she's friggin' Madonna!"

    Spears has no explanation for why the older singer has embraced her. The possibility that the elder icon may be trying to connect with Spears' younger audience obviously hasn't occurred to her.

    Madonna gives Spears a piece of maternal guidance in the song. "Sexy lady," she sings, "I'd rather see you bare your soul." Spears believes the line means that "I should let go, which is hard for me to do."

    Madonna has also gotten Spears into the kabbala, the religious belief of choice for today's celebs. The younger singer proudly shows off her red string (a symbol of the faith) on her left wrist. When Spears speaks about the subject, she becomes more animated than when talking about music.

    "I was brought up and raised in religion, which is the thing that's causing wars right now," Spears says. "This one person believes this, and another has a different belief, and because of that you're going to hell. Which is so stupid. It's weird making this transition for me to something so different.

    "It's a bigger picture even than the Bible," Spears continues. "It's so interesting to me because I've never read stuff like this before."

    Media people don't treat celebrity endorsements of the kabbala with quite the same reverence. When Spears appeared as musical guest on "Saturday Night Live" last month, Tina Fey referred to the kabbala as "an ancient form of publicity." But Spears says, "I can't joke about it."


    She has a better sense of humor about Justin Timberlake's "SNL" appearance the week before hers. He did a parody of Spears' old single "I'm a Slave 4 U."

    "It's ... cool that he did that," she says, "because it makes everybody shut the f—— up about everything."

    Spears says that while she and Timberlake no longer speak, she's now unperturbed when he's linked with new loves, like Cameron Diaz. When she first saw him with other women, it was a different story.

    "I'd been with him forever and seeing him everywhere felt really weird," she says. But she was downright angry this past summer when she saw Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" video, on which he enacted revenge against a Spears look-alike by having sex with another woman in their bedroom and leaving a tape of it for the mock-Spears to watch.

    "He was throwing it out there in a huge way," Spears says. "I was like 'What the hell's going on?' "

    She calmed down, she says, after she realized "men have egos, and they have ways of dealing with them. So I think it's inevitable that he would do something like that because he was really hurt."

    It isn't the only hurt Spears has had to deal with in the last year. She is upset about being linked romantically with Columbus Short, whose wife is pregnant. She surmises the rumors started because "they're my dancers, so we're with each other 24/7. Plus, I guess people are kind of over the Jennifer Lopez/Ben Affleck think. So they're probably wanting to put me with somebody."

    Not that she minds all the rumors. "The one about [me] and Colin Farrell wasn't bad," she smiles. "He's really cute."

    Besides, Spears knows that all this talk - like all the sexed-up lyrics on her record - is going to keep people interested. Even more so if she confounds us by claiming to be unaware of the power of it all.

    "At this point," she says, "I know how the press works."


  • Britney's erogenous 'Zone'
    November 13, 2003

    Britney Spears sure isn't coy about the meaning of "Touch of My Hand," a tune on her much-hyped album "In the Zone."

    In case anyone remains in the dark, she reveals in the upcoming issue of People that the song is an ode to, er, masturbation.

    "I think if you say you don't do it, you're lying," she says. "I think it's a positive thing to indulge in yourself in a sexual way sometimes. I don't do it all the time. It's life. Guys can talk about it. Why can't girls? It's a positive thing."

    Waxing philosophical (or waxing something), Spears goes on:

    "I think it's positive for girls not to depend on guys. Being alone - I'm one to say! - you really start to figure out what makes you happy. And then you're able to give more to other people ... When you turn yourself on, that really is what turns the guy on. So just make yourself happy and let them just kind of follow up after you."

    While those comments will certainly get folks (and perhaps even some battery-operated devices) buzzing, Spears also shares her views on the sexiest guy ("Brad Pitt or George Clooney - definitely"), on the guy she has a crush on ("Heath Ledger - I think he's really cute") and on her favorite date ("when one of my ex-boyfriends and I went on a horse-carriage ride in the mountains").

    In addition, she discusses her favorite kind of kiss ("when a guy just comes up and grabs you and kisses you and makes you feel really vulnerable and does it very spontaneously"), favorite place to be kissed ("your neck - definitely"), sexiest thing about a guy ("the hair and the neck, and I like being able to twist the hair right up above the neck") and her favorite beverage ("martini - my mom likes 'em. I'm trying to get around to adjusting").

    And let's not forget that girls from the South, presumably like Spears, "have big rumps."

    And that just about covers it.

    Shooting dulls Spears
    November 13, 2003

    Britney: In the Zone & Out All Night. Saturday at noon, MTV.

    Britney Spears and MTV spent the night together last month hitting clubs, putting on unannounced shows and filming the entire adventure.

    "I just got finished taking a nap," she tells the camera proudly, "so I can party hearty and be a 'girl gone wild' now."

    The result is "Britney: In the Zone & Out All Night," a one-hour special being shown Saturday at noon on MTV. In it, Spears and her entourage are shown planning for, then executing, a storm assault on three New York clubs, dancing and singing — or lip-synching — their way through a brief but strenuous repertoire.

    The filmed performances — at clubs called Show, Splash and Avalon — are definitely of the "had-to-be-there" variety. Clubgoers, interviewed afterward, express excitement at being present for the surprise Spears sightings. Take away the ambush element and the sweaty ambiance, and the Spears mini-show isn't very impressive.

    Singing to the recorded tracks, with taped vocals clearly a large part of the mix, Spears dances up a storm. One club is so hot she nearly faints; after one performance, she emerges with a bad case of leg cramps. And questioning the integrity of her vocals seems almost beside the point. When she performs, it's almost like her lips are choreographed. It's an unnatural exaggeration with a venerable showbiz precedent: On stage, Britney Spears sings the way silent movie stars talk.

    The parts of this "In the Zone" special that are even remotely viewable, on the other hand, are where Spears drops her guard and speaks, or sings, naturally. Her current media blitz will have her popping up all over this month, including "PrimeTime" on ABC tonight at 10 (interviewed by Diane Sawyer) and as the star of her own ABC special Monday night at 8.

    Only here, though, I suspect, will you hear Spears singing a cappella in her makeup chair, attempting such songs as "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Spears' voice, devoid of any electronic enhancements, owes more to Linda McCartney than Cyndi Lauper. But it's an unguarded moment, and for any superstar of that stature, such moments are tough to come by.

    Even some of the posturing, in its own way, is telling.

    "I'm over men," she announces in that same makeup chair. "I just need a boy toy, and that's it. I'm a little bitter."

    Then, raising her voice and staring into the camera, she adds: "JUST A LITTLE!"

    In other conversations, she defends the televised vapidity of Jessica Simpson ("If nobody ever told you in your whole life, how are you supposed to know?") and fields a phone call from Madonna.

    "She's a cool lady," says Spears, who features Madonna prominently in her new video. "I like her a whole lot. And I don't like people a lot, ever."

    Originally published on November 12, 2003

    NBC and ABC wage The Battle of Britney
    November 12, 2003

    Is Britney in a snitney? The precocious Ms. Spears yesterday pulled out of her Nov. 21 performance on NBC's "Today" show.

    Why? Word is, she and her handlers were furious that "Dateline NBC" ran a piece about Spears last Sunday without her cooperation. The segment discussed how she evolved from a virginal Mousketeer to the sweaty vixen who locks lips with Madonna. One network insider insists the piece was fair, but "her people just pulled out [of 'Today'] on principle."

    Some say Spears didn't leave NBC much choice because she backed out of a series of NBC interviews after ABC offered her a holiday concert special.

    "Her management made a deal tied to the [Nov. 18] release of her CD, 'In the Zone,'" says a source. "NBC was going to put her on 'Today,' 'Dateline,' 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,' MSNBC, you name it.

    "It was all confirmed …Then ABC came up with the network special. She then told NBC that she first had to do the ABC shows — "Prime Time," "Good Morning America," "Jimmy Kimmel," etc. [So] NBC went ahead with the 'Dateline' piece early. She screwed them first."

    But Spears' spokeswoman argues, "There were early discussions with several networks, including NBC, but there was no final deal with NBC …[and] ABC delivered the entire package that we were looking for."

    An NBC rep would say only, "We are disappointed the concert didn't work out. She's always welcome at the 'Today' show, where the top acts always go to perform."

    An ABC spokesman maintained the Nov. 17 concert special had nothing to do with Diane Sawyer landing her exclusive with Brit, which airs tomorrow on "PrimeTime Thursday."

    Having coaxed Spears' beautiful behind into a chair, Sawyer asks her about ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake's suggestions that she was unfaithful.

    "Everyone has a side to their story," she tells Sawyer. "I'm not technically saying he's wrong. But I'm not technically saying he's right, either."

    Bitter Britney bares all
    October 27, 2003

    Tells mag Justin soured her on men
    First she gave Madonna an open-mouth kiss, now peppery provocateur Britney Spears says she's a "little bitter" about men.

    But she's not a lesbian, she insists. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    The 21-year-old pop princess opens her mouth again to Newsweek, in which she pouts a lot about Justin Timberlake bedding her and blabbing about it.

    "It was really hard," she said of her breakup with the 'N Sync heartthrob. "There was a time when I was like, 'Okay, I'm over men. They're mean.'"

    The gum-smacking chart-topper said she swore off men for six months after her split with tattletale Timberlake.

    "Not like they weren't drawn to me, but there wasn't a single real attraction," Spears said. "I'm like, 'What's happening? I know I'm not lesbian.'"

    The "Oops! ... I Did it Again" singer had maintained that she was a virgin before and during her relationship with Timberlake. Now, she says, what's the point in fibbing?

    "Justin said it on Barbara Walters," Spears griped. "The world knew after he told them all. What am I supposed to say, 'No, I didn't?' Can you say I'm a little bitter with men? Just a little."

    The Louisiana-born Lolita asked as many questions as she answers in the magazine article, which hits newsstands today. She most wants to know why the wife of Maryland's governor is threatening her.

    Kendel Ehrlich made headlines earlier this month by telling a mostly mothers crowd: "If I had an opportunity to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would."

    The menacing comment, which Ehrlich later said was a joke, was prompted in part by Spears' Aug. 28 lip-lock with Madonna on MTV's "Video Music Awards," and her libido-driven lyrics.

    "Why? Why are they mad at me?" asked Spears, who recently posed topless for Rolling Stone and bottomless for Esquire.

    "What is too sexy to them?" Spears asked. "My family, we walked around the house naked. ... By the time I was 13, my dad was like, 'Uh, Britney, it's time to start covering yourself up.' I'm very free like that."

    Spears said deep down, she's just like any single heterosexual gal: She wants to meet Mr. Right and have kids - who she does not want emulating her style.

    "Not that it's dirty or tacky, but it is really revealing and I wouldn't want my kid, at 21, to be dressing like that," she advised.

    Originally published on October 27, 2003