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Fred Durst Just Won't Drop Britney
February 10, 2003

Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Durst just won't let go of Britney Spears, despite reports that she let go of him (if she even held on to him to begin with).

As has chronicled all month, Durst and Spears reportedly became an item shortly after the American Music Awards in Los Angeles, when Durst, 32, posted a slightly incoherent message on his band's Web site in an attempt to express his feeling about the semi-retired pop princess, 21. It included the sentiment, "I have never felt this way."

He basically told his fans to get used to his feelings about her -- whatever those feelings were. When fans replied with postings that ridiculed Durst for his taste in women, he took down his original message and replaced it with one containing an expletive.

But now Durst, in an interview to be aired Monday on TV's "Access Hollywood," claims Britney's life is too much for him to get involved with.

When they first met, he says, he thought, "Wow, this is just a very sweet Southern girl, just simple, you know, Southern girl.

"But actually, she has a life like Michael Jackson. It's, like, out of control. ... The people around her, pulling at her, people around her that are full of (expletive), just agreeing with her, like, it's kind of crazy, she almost can't see what's real and what's not."

Spears has never acknowledged any type of relationship with Durst, and her spokeswoman had no immediate comment on Durst's remarks when contacted by Reuters. This week's PEOPLE shows Spears hanging tightly with Irish actor Colin Farrell, 26, at the post-premiere party of his movie "The Recruit."

To clear up his relationship with Spears, however, Durst also tells "Access Hollywood": "We're not enemies, man, I just don't want to talk to her. I just chose not to talk to her anymore." -- STEPHEN M. SILVERMAN