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Britney: A Diva in Transition
Nobember 18, 2003

It’s been a tough year for popstar Britney Spears; dissed by a governor’s wife, 13-year-old ex-fans and non-smokers, dumped by her true love, facing illness, accusations and, unveiling that controversial new sizzlin’ hot image but the 21-year-old is determined to grow up and into a woman comfortable in her own skin. The pressure of introducing her new image to the public has taken its toll. The singer fell ill and went home for rest and solace and, when reminded by newswoman Diane Sawyer that, hey, it’s been a tough year, she broke down in tears during a t.v. interview.

Britney is a survivor. She seems to be saying to the world, “hey, you try turning 21 under a microscope”. She’s growing, experimenting and taking us along for the ride. On November 18th, Jive Records will release the showcase of the “new” Britney…. “In The Zone”. The CD features 13 tracks, eight of which Britney co-wrote with some of today's hottest artists and producers, Blood Shy, Avant, The Matrix, Linda Perry and Moby. Music ranges from techno and hip hop danceables to breathy personal tunes and piano-backed ballads. Britney's “Me Against the Music”

single featuring Madonna is the most requested video on MTV's TRL. You’ll be seeing Britney on more magazine covers and t.v. shows and she is expected to tour to promote the album early in 2004.

We talked with the busy young woman last week. She dished about the evolution of her songs, her plans, the lip syncing accusations, her shifting fanbase and personal challenges.

TeenMusic: What songs are most meaningful to you on the album?

Britney: I think “Touch of My Hand” because it was one of the first songs. “Touch of My Hand” and “Every Time” were two of the first songs that I wrote for the album. And it really laid the foundation for the rest of the album and the whole vibe; how I wanted the music to be portrayed.

TeenMusic: Are you afraid that you're going to lose your younger fans because the album is so sexy?

Britney: Well honestly, I don't want to be responsible for young people. I love kids and I think they're great. But, I'm getting older and the things that I talk about aren't going to be able to relate to a seven-year-old. So I think it's a cool thing, not a negative thing at all to be able to attract older fans instead of such young ones. I think I'm feeling a little bit freer in talking about certain subjects. So I think when I feel that way, I love to share it with people.

TeenMusic: One of your CD songs is “Brave New Girl”, so at this point in your career, what do you think has made you stronger than ever?

Britney: I think probably being alone. A long time being by myself has really made me strong. And, you know, I think hard times, too, make you become a better person and make you stronger. If everything in life was on this huge plateau, that would get monotonous and you'd be complacent. So I think the best thing that's happened for me is probably going through trying times to be like in survival mode. I think that sometimes that's when the best things come out, when you are on edge a little bit.

TeenMusic: Do you worry that your celebrity status and publicity is putting your music in second place?

Britney: Some people, they'll look at a certain outfit, and you become famous for this or you do a performance and that's imbedded in their brain. I think once you get to a certain point in your career, say Madonna, it's like you become a household name. I'm not really concerned about being famous for being this or that. I'm just going to be myself and do my music and do my work and let that speak for itself. I'm just performing.

TeenMusic: The songs “Shadow” and “Every Time” talk about the downsides of relationships when you're living life in the fast lane. Do you ever get tired of short lived flirtations?

Britney: I think probably being alone. A long time being by myself has really made me strong. And, you know, I think hard times, too, make you become a better person and make you stronger. If everything in life was on this huge plateau, that would get monotonous and you'd be complacent. So I think the best thing that's happened for me is probably going through trying times to be like in survival mode. I think that sometimes that's when the best things come out, when you are on edge a little bit.

TeenMusic: Do you worry that your celebrity status and publicity is putting your music in second place?

Britney: Some people, they'll look at a certain outfit, and you become famous for this or you do a performance and that's imbedded in their brain. I think once you get to a certain point in your career, say Madonna, it's like you become a household name. I'm not really concerned about being famous for being this or that. I'm just going to be myself and do my music and do my work and let that speak for itself. I'm just performing.

TeenMusic: The songs “Shadow” and “Every Time” talk about the downsides of relationships when you're living life in the fast lane. Do you ever get tired of short lived flirtations?

Britney: I was going through a bunch of weird stuff. Everyone has that point in life where they go through this big transformation and it's all on them. It's all their journey. And sometimes you get overwhelmed with being able to do whatever you want to do. And you're like ‘oh my gosh, what direction do I want to take? What path do I want to take’? I think sometimes when people are at that point in their lives that's when they're the most creative in a weird kind of dark way. And sometimes, when you are going through a lot of stuff you want to write about light stuff because that's what you need at that point. It was such an emotional journey doing the whole record. It's like therapy being able to put it out there right now and share it with people. It's like being able to release a lot of stuff.

TeenMusic: Avril Lavigne and others are hyped as the “Anti-Britney”. This CD is so different for you. Do you feel that, in a way, you are now the “Anti-Britney”?

Britney: Well that was a very deep question. No. I'm always going to be me, but l think every day we change and express ourselves in different ways. So I'm not anti-Britney at all. I totally love everything that I've ever done, That was me at that moment in that time, and that's what I believed in. So I definitely don't regret the things that I did in the past. The Avril Lavigne's, all of those girls have their game and what they do. But at the end of the day we're all one. We're all the same. And, you know, when I see Avril Lavigne on TV or Gwen Stefani or Christina Aguilera, you know, I take pieces from them. I don't copy their music, but like I see emotions in their music that inspire me. Instead of girls being anti this or anti that, we should be around to support each other and to inspire each other at the end of the day.

TeenMusic: How did you go about choosing some of the collaborators for the new CD?

Britney: Well, the Moby thing kind of fell in to my lap the way that worked out. And I really was excited about that because I've heard of stuff that he's done with Gwen Stefani. And he's really good working with women. I remember being overseas and listening to his CD. He has this mesmerizing kind of music that really takes you out of your element. I was really excited about working with him. And Madonna, it just kind of really happened in such a natural way which is really, really cool. I love the way it turned out.

TeenMusic: When you feel down, what do you do besides write songs?

Britney: I love stretching. I love doing yoga. I'm like a stretch-a-holic. And I read a lot of books. I love to paint and do art. Just, you know, activities like that. And swim as well.

TeenMusic: What books are you reading?

Britney: I love “The Power of Now”. I love the book called “The Secret”. A book called “My Way, the Four Agreements”. Oh, my gosh I have a bunch of books. Sometimes I read them over because it's good for your soul, but I think one of my favorites is a (Kabala) book called “Taming Chaos”.

TeenMusic: What is your songwriting process?

Britney: With “Every Time” I wrote the whole thing from scratch on the piano. Musically there was no track or anything. I was just at my house and I did the whole thing by myself. And then I went and I played it for (Guy Sigmouth) and I just basically told him exactly how I wanted the song to sound. And he was so amazing because a lot of producers, you tell them things and they don't get it. He got it just right. The other songs I would go in to the studio and they would play me just a bunch of different tracks. And I would pick a track that I liked. And then I would basically do the melodies and the words.

TeenMusic: R. Kelly is pretty controversial right now. Why did you decide to include him?

Britney: I know he has the personal thing going on. But I just like his work. I really do. I think he's a very talented guy. And I thought the song was cute. So I really didn't think that deep into it. I really didn't pay attention to all of the personal stuff.

TeenMusic: On the song “Me Against the Music”, there's a line where Madonna says ‘Hey Britney you say you want to lose control, sexy lady, I'd rather see you bare your soul’. What did Madonna mean there? advertisement (story continues below)

Britney: You know, you go to clubs and you want to lose yourself and lose control, but it's one thing to do that, and [another] to really bare yourself and see with eyes of truth and really let yourself go on a spiritual level. So I think she was basically talking to me and to people out there. What's said to me is said to everyone else.

TeenMusic: You’ve recently been accused of lip-syncing during performances. Any comment on that?

Britney: I think the reason why people say that is because I am dancing a lot. Janet [Jackson], when she does her shows, she dances a lot. And, you know, there's parts where the background vocals and the chorus has definitely come up, but that doesn't mean that I'm not singing. It's just you're dancing so much that you have to have some support in the choruses. You have the background singers. People coming to shows should take it light. Just look at it and appreciate it. I think sometimes people just like to pick people apart because they're jealous or whatever, you tell me. But no, I don't lip sync.

TeenMusic: When you weren't feeling too well recently you went back home. Why is your childhood home and mom such a refuge for you and so special when the pressure is on?

Britney: My assistant (Felicia) she got really sick, and the flu is going around. And I'm never ever sick. But I got the fever like 102 and I thought I was dying. I really thought that something was seriously wrong with me. And we got the doctor to come in. The doctor thought I was like this spoiled brat probably when he came in to see me. And then he took my temperature and he felt really bad. He was like ‘oh my God, you're really sick’. And I was like ‘no shit. I can't talk to you right now’. But yes, I'm really thankful to be able to just go home and have my mom and my family. To just be me and be silly and, you know, do whatever I want to do. So actually the timing when I got sick was really kind of cool because I had so much going on, and I just went home and I slept for four or five days. I feel a lot better now.

TeenMusic: Are you concerned that your sexier image will draw more guys and lose your female audience?

Britney: No. It's really weird that you say that because every time I go somewhere there's more girls that come up to me than guys, so no I don't worry about that.

TeenMusic: Ruben or Clay. Which one do you like better?

Britney: Definitely Ruben.

TeenMusic: The pastor of your hometown church has said he was disappointed in you. Any reaction to that?

Britney: Well, you know you can't go around pleasing everyone. That's his opinion and that's how he feels about things. I'm just a person and I have to express myself the way I need to express myself. He has his beliefs and his belief system and I have mine. Religion is the thing that's causing wars right now. And it's like who's to say he knows what he's talking about? advertisement (story continues below)

TeenMusic: What advice has Madonna given you?

Britney: She really is an interesting and fun person to be with. She thinks of the big picture on all levels. And she's a very smart lady. And probably the main advice she gave me is don't care what people think and believe in yourself.

TeenMusic: Here is an interesting question. If you were completely blind, but could somehow see for one hour each week, how would you spend that time?

Britney: That's a sweet question. I would go to the beach with the family. And I would get a lot of strawberries and ice cream. And, you know, be right beside a water park. And that's what I would do. And I would look at the sunset.

By: Lynn Barker

Britney Pens Heartfelt Apology To Timberlake
October 22, 2003

Pop beauty Britney Spears has included a song on her upcoming album that apologises to former lover Justin Timberlake and begs him to resume their relationship.

The unnamed track appears to discuss the end of their romance and in the words of the song Britney hints that her infidelity caused their shocking break-up in 2002. And in an incredible move, the song includes a verse where Britney pleads with her onetime beau to rekindle their love.

Lyrics on the tune include, "I may have made it rain/ Please forgive me/ My weakness caused your pain/And this song is my sorry."

It also includes the verse, "I make believe that you are here/ It's the only way I see clear/ What have I done?/ You seem to move on easy/ Come notice me and take my hand/ So why are we strangers when our love is strong?/ Why carry on without me?"

However, Like I Love You singer Timberlake is unlikely to respond to the slushy number - he has reportedly just moved in with new girlfriend Cameron Diaz.

Halle + Britney: The Big Tease
October 21, 2003

Halle Berry and Britney Spears kept teasing America on Saturday night with a smooch that didn't happen.

The two stars appeared as guests on the weekly satirical show Saturday Night Live, where they followed up provocative ads for the late-night program by joking about performing a kiss - like the one Britney planted on Madonna at the MTV VMA's.

They repeated their near-liplock in the opening skit, telling the live New York audience they'd consider going all the way "if you guys want it bad enough".

The pair were encouraged to smooch on camera by SNL producer Lorne Michaels and regular Jimmy Fallon in a related skit - Michaels even quipped he'd pay $100 to the ladies' favorite charities if they kissed.

Britney's Bad-girl Image
February 13, 2003

Pop princess Britney Spears' squeaky-clean image has been dealt further blows - the sexy singer has been snapped wearing a t-shirt bearing the word 'F***'.

And a recently leaked dossier from her record company Jive shows that music execs are worried about the effect such antics are having on 21-year-old Britney's image.

The documents set out their plan for Britney's career in 2003, and look especially negatively on the press surrounding her on-off relationship with Cry Me a River singer Justin Timberlake - blaming the 'N Sync-er for trading on their association.

It says, "Britney's relationship with Justin Timberlake continues to cause a lot of concern. Unfortunately it was felt after the strong, but not hot, initial reception of Justin's solo album that he needed more press coverage.

"This was achieved by using his past relationship with Britney."

According to the dossier, 22-year-old Justin has now been told to stop talking about Britney.

It also looks into the falling record sales of the Oops...I did It Again star - blaming her 'bad-girl' lifestyle, smoking and partying for a slump in success.

Britney To Play Female Sherlock Holmes
January 6, 2003

Pop princess Britney Spears is close to signing up to play a modern day female Sherlock Holmes in a new movie project.

The singer is looking for a suitable vehicle for her acting talents since her debut film Crossroads last year.

The project, entitled 221Bcause, is set to be filmed around the busy singer's musical commitments but is to be completed in time for a 2004 release to tie in with the American presidential elections.

A film insider says, "221bcause is the Sherlock Holmes story set in the present and with a female lead. It gets its name from Holmes' address in London's Baker Street. In the story 221b Baker Street now houses a travel agency.

"Britney is a New Yorker working there and she notices letters arriving for Sherlock Holmes. She starts to answer them as the detective and it leads her back to New York trying to trace the president's son."

However, Britney may not have been the first actress approached for the role of the fictional detective who used morphine and cocaine in his previous incarnation.

The source explains, "Jennifer Love Hewitt was originally up for the role but her bosses weren't keen on the drug angle of the character."

Britney Bags A New Man
January 30, 2003

Pop princess Britney Spears has sparked rumors of another high profile Hollywood romance - by attending a film premiere arm in arm with hunky Colin Farrell.

The sexy singer attended the glitzy opening of The Recruit in Los Angeles last night with the fiery Irishman - and the pair appeared to revel in the attention their surprise coupling brought.

Farrell, whose reputation as a womanizer is well known, is the latest star to be linked to the Boys songstress after a short lived reconciliation with Justin Timberlake and a fling with Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit.

What's more, Minority Report star Farrell is the first man since her high profile split with Timberlake who has been photographed alongside Spears at an official engagement.