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Britney and Christina Still Bickering over MTV Kiss
Wednesday, December 31, 2003

If pop divas Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are going to have a public feud, why can't they settle it like civilized people -- in a ring with boxing gloves or in a pit with Jello? What kind of quality catfight can they get into on the pages of Blender magazine.

In a war of words moving slower than P. Diddy in a marathon (because, to be fair, the former Puff Daddy's New York Marathon time was pretty solid), the former "Mickey Mouse Club" stars have been carrying on a month-by-month catfight in the music mag.

The discomfort between the two stars apparently stems from the overhyped kiss that took place at the MTV Video Music Awards earlier this year. At the even, Spears and then Aguilera swapped spit with Madonna. While the Spears kiss lasted two seconds and the Aguilera kiss failed to even make it onto the show's main feed, the network has positioned the smooch as one of television's defining moments for 2003.

In December's issue of Blender, Aguilera recalled that Spears seemed weird during rehearsals for the MTV kudos-fest.

"She seemed very distant, even during rehearsals," Aguilera said. "Every time I tried to start a conversation with her, well, let's just say she seemed nervous the whole time. She seems to be like a lost little girl, someone who desperately needs guidance."

Spears, unaware that discretion is, allegedly, the better part of valor, waited only a month to fight back.

"I can't believe Christina said that about me," Spears says in the magazine's January issue. The not-so-innocent multiplatinum princess recounts of story of Aguilera attempting to make out with her at a night club.

"A lost girl?" Spears scoffs. "I think it's probably the other way around."

Where is FOX's "Celebrity Boxing" when you need it?