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Britney Spears
Monday, January 12, 2004

Britney Spears is a revved up redhead seeking revenge in her latest music video. "Extra" got the first look at the making of "Toxic." Spears says, "There are three guys that I kind of manipulate, and I kind of go through them to get what I need. And we kiss. It is basically about a girl who is addicted to a guy. That's what ‘Toxic’ is about."

The guy that Spears is addicted to and kissing in the video is "Torque" star Martin Henderson. He gave us the inside scoop on those steamy scenes with Spears.

Henderson says, "She certainly didn't kiss like a virgin. She was great, a very good kisser."

Joseph Kahn directed the video, along with "Torque" and Spears’ "Stronger" video. Kahn says, "This is the bad Britney. This is not a fierce Britney; this is not a grown up Britney. This is an angry Britney."

Spears says, "I came up with the concept and just threw it out there, and he loved it. I said, ‘Good, let's do it.’ "

The making of the "Toxic" video airs Tuesday night on MTV.