
Amanda Coetze is definately one of the most wonderful players ever to hit women's tennis. As the smallest (but cutest) member of the top 20, this 25 year old from South Africa makes up for her lack of height by her sheer talent and will on the tennis court. A proud patriot for her home country, as can be seen by her 5 Hopman Cup appearances, Amanda is also a perfect role model for any junior who as aspirations of one day becoming a champion.

The serene and uncontroversial Coetzer began tennis as a little girl in Hoopstad, a tiny farming community 500 miles south of Johannesburg. With a tennis court in the backyard, Amanda was coached by her father Rico, a lawyer who was also ranked in South Africa's top 10. At age 11, Amanda experienced her first international tournament at Disney World in Florida and has never looked back.

You would have to travel a long way to find someone as pleasant and down-to-earth as Amanda Coetzer. Renowned for her spirited nature, one may some up Amanda Coetzer by this quote. "What means the most to me is the everyday joy you get out of tennis. If you don't enjoy the everyday things, you'll never even reach the other things."

Amanda was caused as five-year by her father Nico, earlier even under the Top 10 South Africa and from occupation lawyer, in Hoopstad 500 km south from Johannesburg to the tennis. Her pro-career, that had its first right climax in the spring 1992 in Boca Raton however, began with 15 years. With the tournament of Boca Raton, she beat as 19-year old the then No. 3 of the world Gabriela Sabatini.1995, Amanda Coetzer finished Steffi Grafs series of 32:0 victories. In this tournament hit Coetzer also the other Co-Nr.1, Monica Seles and remained the only player, who succeeded this trick, the two Co-Nrs., to defeat 1 in one week. Straight Steffi has Amanda in bad remembrance1997 in Berlin, Coetzer Graf played with 6:0 and 6:1 formally at the wall and enclosed her highest defeat, that Graf has at all ever gotten, so. In the same year, Graf was kicked out in Melbourne and Paris against her from the Grand Slam tournament. In her career, she could already win against the current number one three times - another bottom more than favorite-fright, to classify her. Hingis, Davenport and just Graf was subject to as world-best player against Coetzer. This also gives no ball as " run-miracles " of marked Coetzer lost and pushes players to the despair so. In the year 1997, she celebrated her biggest successes. Her good tennis, she catapulted number 3 on her previous best world-chart-position.Amanda Coetzer has not succeeded with the quite big throw. But her opponents talk with biggest respect about her only 1.58 young South Africans. The parents also accompany their daughter too many tournaments still today. So also to the Hopman Cup in Perth, because she already could win once at the side of Wayne Ferreira . Amanda Coetzer participates a player this the stuff to it anytime to hit players 10 from the Top has and participates to imagine away from the tennis-circus no longer. Privately, harvests, shopping, dancing, and foreign languages are among Amandas Hobbies.One only can hopes this such a player as long as gets like possibly the active tennis-sport remains.