
Amy Christine Dumas was born on April 14, 1975 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. While in high school, she practiced Judo competitively. She was a roadie for a band a year before she got intrested in professional wrestling.

She caught eye of the Luchadores from Mexico on the television one night and was immediately intregued by their wrestling acrobatics.

Amy flew down to Mexico by herself and got by on a limited amount of money.

After six weeks they finally allowed her to do guest spots on their shows. Although she was almost broke, she had stuck it out and proven that she was dedicated. They agreed to train her.

In Mexico, she learned to take "bumps" (the term for getting slammed around in pro wrestling) and perform complex maneuvers in the ring. After that Amy started working the indy scene.

While working with Mid-Atlantic NWA, she met (now WWF Superstars) the Hardy Boyz. They offered her to train with them. Amy was approached by Paul Heyman and she was offered a deal with ECW in early 1999.

After some time Amy became dissatisfied with her involvment in ECW. ECW star Rob Van Dam introduced Amy to Dory Funk and his wife. Funk saw something he admired in Amy and offered her an invitation to attend his training camp.

At the camp, Amy trained with 23 men. Amy demanded that Dory Funk treat her no different than the males. Amy graduated from The Funking Conservatory in August 1999.

Dory Funk sent a demo video of Amy in action to the WWF, who then offered her a contract without even watching her fight. She has since skyrocketed to super-stardom in the WWF. In a short time "Lita" has become the manager of the former Tag-Team champions The Hardy Boyz and a fierce competitor in her own right earning the WWF Women's Championship.