Amy Dumas

Extreme Championship Wrestling's new valet may be known as "Miss Congeniality" but this athletic young women has much more going for her than her winning smile.

Amy Dumas, 23, launched her wrestling career in the spring of 1999,appearing as "Angelica" at some ECW house shows.Her first high- profile exposure came at ECW's Heat Wave pay-per-view on July 18,1999.Danny Doring,with tag team partner Rodkill looking on,proposed too Angelica before losing a tag team match againt Nova and Chris Chetti.

The next month,Dumas enrolled in The Funking Conservitory II wrestling school in Ocala,Fla.,run by Dory Funk.She graduated from the weeklong training Aug.29 and continued in her ECW valet role with Doring.Her appearance at the Anarchy Rulz pa-per-view in Chicago on Sept. 19 had fans roaring and observers saying should could be ECW next breaktrough star.
WOW Magazine contributing writer Marti Funk recently sat down with Dumas to discuss her long-term plans,her insperations,and how her got involved in professional wrestling.

Q:Where are you from originally?
A:I was born in Fort Lauderdale,Florida,but I consider Atlanta home.I went through middle school there,studying too be teacher.
Q:Were you an athlete growing up?
A:Yes,I've always been athletic and taken care of myself.In high school,I played soccer and was on the swim team.After high school,I started kickboxing and judo in Richmond(Virginia)in 1997 and 1998.I concentrated more on judo and placed second in a tournament for women in the Southeast.There was one woman,Anna,whom I lost too every time,but I loved fighting her,and I never went out there knowing I was going too lose.She was a 12-year veteran,so the challange was too see how long I could go before I lost.If I would went three minutes with her,that was a victory too me because it showed I could hold my own with her,even if only for a little while.She pushed me hard.
Q:Who inspired you too break into the wrestling business?
A:I became interested in wrestling from watching Rey Mysterio Jr(of World Championship Wrestling)I basically decided to just go for it and not look back.People used too ask me why I was trying too get into wrestling.They would say,'Get out while you can,'and I would always laugh it off.When I met Luna(Vachon of the World Wrestling Federation),I was really inspired by her toughness.People like her are good for the wrestling business.
Q:Was your family surprised by you dicision to get involved with wrestling?
A:Yes.Before this I was I had been a roadie for a band for five years.I also play bass guitar and was in a band called Three Card Trick.
Q:What did you think about The Funking Conservatory and the wrestling training you received there?
A:I was definitely with all of the students talent.I got a chance too work with everybody,and all of the new guys where awesome.They where definitely pushed,and I think the guys who have been in the business longer helped push them even further.The Funking Conservatory was a great oppertunity for all of us.We pused each other like a team.I was amazed by Dory Funks training tecniques.Usually a beginning training program lasts far a year with the new students taking only small bumps for the first two months.Dorys training was is much more rigorous in the course of only one week.
Q:What was it like training with men?
A:I had been worried about that,but the guys were all great too me.I thought I would have too tell them to treat me like everybody else,but I didn't have too.
Q:Do you think your wrestling skills are stong enough to compete in a major promotion?
A:I think I work really well under pressure.When I was in collage,I would always start my assighnments at midnight the night before they where due.Even under the pressure,I always pulled it off.I feed of the challenge and the pressure.I love it.
Q:What do you think about the World Wrestling Federation and its television programs?
A:I worry about young children watching the WWF shows because of their content.It would seem odd too participate in something that I wouldn't want my kid too watch,but I think you always have too push too envelope and strive too keep progressing.I remember watching the first tape we did at The Funking Conservatory.Somebody was working a top wristlock,and Dory said,"People are going too change the channel.You can't start a match with a top wristlock."I thoght that was great advise because he knows that wrestling has changed a lot since he was an active wrestler.You have too keep pushing.
Q:What is your opinion of World Championship Wrestling,and how do you think WCW differs from the WWF?
A:When I started watching wrestling,I watched WCW more,and then something happened and WCW just lost it.I was trying too figure out what it was,but I think the WWF's title explains it perfectly:Raw.The WWF is a lot more raw than WCW is.The WWF keeps fans on their toes more;they don't know what's going to happen from week too week.With WCW,fans can figure out what's going to happen and it looks too planned out.
Q:Does ECW have a chance to compete againt the WWF and WCW?
A:I hope so because with more competition,every company s forced to get better and better.It is amazing that ECW has come this far from such humble beginnings.If ECw has come this far,there is no reason the company can't go all the way.
Q:What can viewers expect from ECW's friday night show?
A:The quality of the show is only going too get better.ECW is a company that keeps fans guessing.Expect the unexpected.
Q:Who is your favorite current wrestler?
A:Chris Jericho.I'm definitly a "Jerichoholic."In fact,I met him a couple of days ago.I almost don't like too meet people that I hold in high esteem.You run out of inspiration if you meet somebody and he or she turns out too be real.I only met him for a minute or two,but he said that he had seen me work before,which I took as a compliment.Ithink he exemplifies what wrestling is today.He has so much charisma.He has a great look and is a tremendous athlete.
Q:Lets get off wrestling for a minute...It's rumored that you are a great singer.Who is your favorite artist?
A:I love singing more as a joke.At the Funking Conservatory I just started singing anything,like"Pass the gravy,please!"I like a lot of contemporary music.I really like rock 'n' roll,especially Pearl Jam.
Q:Do you have a favorite actor or actress?
A:I love Adam Sandler,he's great.I also think Heather Graham from "Austin Powers" and "Boogie Nights" is awesome.She saw the oppertunity too make it big and took advantage of it.
Q:Whats your favorite pro sports team?
A:I've become a big hockey fan in the past year.I live in Richmond,so I try too catch the Richmond Renagades whenever I can.Because I work in wrestling,I don't ever get too act like a wrestling fan with all the signs and stuff.So I like too go too all the hockey games and yell,"You suck goalie!" I love too freak out and scream and yell all the chants.With our road schedule,it is hard to pick a favorite team,but I check out all the sports schedule and if we get into a city a day ahead of time,I try to go too a game.
Q:What are your other interests?
A:I am traveling so much with ECW that I don't have much time for other interests,and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Q:Do you see yourself in the wrestling business in five years?
A:Definitely.I hope I'll be on my way taking on the world by then.
Q:Do you have a special message for your fans?
A:I would like tell them too watch out because they haven't seen anything yet.I am not going anywhere.I am going too stay in everyone's face.I am just now able too show the company I work for some of my talent.I am really excited about the opportunity to give people something they have never seen before.

Copyright 1999 WOW Magazine.

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