Amy Dumas

According to Lita, what she does in the ring should come as no surprise simply because she's a woman. As the fiery red-head has proved, high-flying acrobatic moves are no longer for men only. While acknowledging the important strides Chyna has made for women in sports-entertainment by competing against men, Lita is quick to tell World Wrestling Federation Magazine that she's quite comfortable competing in the women's ranks. In this month's superstar interview, Lita speaks about the other women in the Federation, her relationship wiht Matt and Jeff Hardy, and gives readers the scoop on her private life.

Start Interview:
WWF: Are you surprised fans like you so much?
Lita: I'm really, really surprised by it. I see myself as somebody that fans can relate to.
WWF: What do you think of the "Lita Loyalists"?
Lita: I'm fighting in honor of and for them-a voice of the fans. I'm one(of the fans), just trying to be the normal person who kind of hangs out with the Superstars, making a mark for us normal, everyday people.
WWF: Is life outside the ring as fast as it inside it for you?
Lita: Definitely. In my spare time, I like doing things like jet skiing, skiing, cars, boats and roller coasters.
WWF: Is there anything you wouldn't try?
Lita: I like to try everything once and decide from there. You can also learn from other people's mistakes. If you see it didn't work, then maybe you shouldn't do it, like if I saw something that affected someone else negatively.

WWF: How'd you come up with your style, both inside and outside the ring?
Lita: They're both very similar. I like baggy pants; they're comfortable. I wear my knee-pads under them so I don't bash them apart.
WWF: If your hair could be another color, what would it be?
Lita: Hot pink.
WWF: What languages do you speak?
Lita: English and Spanish.
WWF: What's your next tattoo going to be?
Lita: I'm done with those. But, if it wasn't, it would be "Cody"-my dog's name.
WWF: What kind of dog do you have?
Lita: a red Doberman.
WWF: What would you have done if you hadn't gone into sports entertainment?
Lita: I'd have been in a rock 'n' roll band.
WWF: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Lita: I wanted to be a professional sports player or a teacher.
WWF: Did you do any sports?
Lita: Judo and swimming.
WWF: Were you a tomboy growing up?
Lita: A hundred percent.
WWF: Do you lift weights?
Lita: I do. But, I also do a lot of cardiovascular work.
WWF: Are you so sore after matches that you don't want to do out the next night?
Lita: No, I still want to go out.
WWF: What's been your biggest challenge so far in the Federation?
Lita: Getting out there and doing it, and trying to do better each time.
WWF: What's your greatest fear?
Lita: Failure.
WWF: What does it feel like when you're putting the hurricanrana on some other Federation Superstar?
Lita: The hurricanrana is great because it's always a move that I do when I'm sneaking up behind one of the guys. So, that feels really good because it's usually a type of rescuing move.
WWF: How did it feel to beat Stephanie(SMH) for the World Wrestling Federation Women's Championship?
Lita: I can't really explain it...I've never felt like that before. I'm glad it was me, and I'm glad someone finally got their hands on her. She got what she deserved.
WWF: Would you rather face men or women?
Lita: I' rather face women one-on-one. I like to be able to add to the matches with the guys. As far as one-on-one, I don't think I'm ready to go in there with the guys.
WWF: Would you like to take on Chyna?
Lita: I dont think I'm ready for that yet, either. But, I'd like to think someday I would be. Actually, I'd rather be on her team.
WWF: Do you see yourself as a pioneer for young women?
Lita: Yes, definitely. I love the opportunity I've been given; to let my true character show and really be able to break the mold of how women have been viewed, and the role women have had until me.
WWF: Are other women in the Federation threatened by you?
Lita: I’d say more taken by surprise than threatened.
WWF: Is Lita looking for love?
Lita: I’m open to it. I don’t really have that much time to think about it right now with all the stuff going on in the Federation. But, if it fell in front of me, I wouldn’t push it away.
WWF: What would your ideal mate be like?
Lita: Number one, he has to be easy-going and totally versatile*. Definitely strong-we can both keep each other in check.
WWF: Are you the envy of female fans because of your relationship with Matt and Jeff (Hardy)?
Lita: Absolutely. I get that all the time.
WWF: Why do you think you fit better with the Hardyz than Essa Rios?
Lita: We’re like a little clique. We can get along on every level. We constantly think about new ways we can go about attacking. Now that we have the Women’s title, we can try and work on the tag team scene as well.
WWF: Which of the (Hardy) brothers do you find more sexy? Matt or Jeff?
Lita: I think they’re both unique. In a lot ways they’re complete opposites, but they complement each other very well. I think they make a good package, so, I can’t pick one.
WWF: If you were to split with the Hardyz, do you see yourself still keeping in contact with them?
Lita: As long as they dont’ do anything too damaging to me, I’d always think that they’d be a part of my career.

*Versatile-ver sa tile (vûr se tel) adj -able to do many things; having many abilities.
End Interview.

My Critique:
In this interview we can make the conclusion that Lita aka Amy Dumas is shooting from the hip and telling it how she would in either case, of being in character or doing a shoot interview. She comes out as a person speaking forward and honestly about her fellow colleagues, and about the life and times of a World Wrestling Federation Superstar. She seems to be a person that everyone can get along with and not really a person in a fantasy life. She also subliminally hints and that she is not an icon in the field of sports entertainment, but merely a fan as well, a fan who gets to work along side the great talent that is the World Wrestling Federation.

Favorites: WWF Magazine asked Lita to name some of her favorite things....
WWF: Type of music?
Lita: Mostly, I listen to alternative rock. But, I love dance music and hip-hop, especially when I’m working out. It’s motivational.
WWF: Movie?
Lita: Pee-wee’s Big Adventure.
WWF: Actor?
Lita: Christian Slater.
WWF: Actress?
Lita: Pamela Anderson.
WWF: Book?
Lita: Lord of the Flies.
WWF: Type of food?
Lita: Japanese.
WWF: Season?
Lita: Summer.
WWF: Vacation Spot?
Lita: Florida.
WWF: Wrestling Move?
Lita: The moonsault.

Lita was asked to do a word association with WWF personalities:

WWF: Edge & Christian?
Lita: Too big for their britches.
WWF: Stephanie (McMahon)?
Lita: Brat.
WWF: Trish Stratus?
Lita: Clueless.
WWF: Jacqueline?
Lita: One tough (cookie).
WWF: Ivory?
Lita: Hyperactive.
WWF: Matt and Jeff Hardy?
Lita: Real.

- This article was taken from