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Home > Gisele Carolina Bündchen
Memorable Quotes
"No woman likes her own butt, and I don't like mine." Gisele Bündchen, model, who refused to catwalk wearing a tiny bikini in the MorumbiFashion, in São Paulo.

"There's no part I like more. Eeverything is ok. There's no problem." Gisele, answering about what part of her body did she like most.

"I'm not religious, but I believe in God." Gisele Bündchen, when asked about religion.

"I have never imagined to be the most famous model in the world." Gisele Bündchen, when questioned about the biggest surprise in her life.

"When I'm thirty years-old, I want to be married and have kids." Gisele Bündchen, talking abou her plans for the future.

"Limusine, no! Too much for me..." Gisele, quaestioning the car that would take her to New York Stock Market, on September 15th 2000.

"I always wake up early and get home very late. I don't party." Gisele, talking about critics from John Casablancas.

"I don't talk about money." Gisele, when asked about money.

"I'm normal! People think model life is 100% glamour!" Gisele, answering a reporter about her personal life.

"For me, dating will always be the second important. My family comes first, and then my job." Gisele Bündchen, talking about relationships.

"The owners of money are not those who earn, but those who don't spend." Gisele Bündchen, about money.

"Everything is destiny. I never wanted to be a model. I used to have a horrivel posture. I still have." Gisele Bündchen, model, answering about her career.

"I don't like to talk about my personal life." Gisele Bündchen, when asked about personal things in an interview.

"I burped. I'm human!" Gisele Bündchen, proving that beauty is also scatology, in an interview to the american TV show Entertainment Tonight, dduring a boat ride in Bahamas.

"I now travel in first class just because in the economic I didn't have any calm. Everybody used to start talking to me, asking for an autograph, telling they were friends of my family, and I couldn't get any sleep." Gisele Bündchen, when talking about her trips.

"Everytime I step in the catwalk I feel a little cold in my stomach. I hate to open the shows. It's too much responsibility. And it's much more fun to close them." Gisele Bündchen, in an interview.

"Being a model is like being half an actess. The truth is that I'm a normal teenager." Gisele Bündchen.

"My house is all colorful and full of pets: dogs, fishes and an iguana." Gisele Bündchen, showing her love for pets.

"I love horses. If I could, I would ride the whole day. When I get married, I'll live in the countryside, ride on horses and live among cows, chickens and dogs." Gisele Bündchen, still about her love for pets.

"People say I have the body, I'm the woman of the moment." Gisele Bündchen, talking about her career.

"I don't like a lot of make up. I don't have any pimples." Gisele Bündchen, in an interview.