Lisa Snowdon
November 2001

People who whine endlessly about the trauma of gossip have only themselves to blame. Take your work colleagues for example - while the bloke in accounts may be happy to blather on for hours about his latest golf club, he's less likely to reveal that he spent the previous evening tied to a pole while being vigorously flagellated by Mistress Meanwhile at a sleazy inner-city whorehouse - even if someone else swears blind they saw him leaving the bordello. Deprived of such boredom-relieving truths, there will then start an even more vicious rumour which is even more far-fetched than the actual facts. And so it has been with cheeky-faced MTV presenter Lisa Snowdon. Previously happy to expound on her failed pop career and even her favourite foreplay manoeuvres ("Licking is lovely everywhere - it doesn't matter where you do it"), there is one subject on which she has remained uncharacteristically silent. And that, of course, is her fling with growly-voiced global knicker-moistener George Clooney.

Despite the fact that their affair led to her rapidly transmuting from "girl in the Special K ad" to "MTV Select presenter and potential Hollywood star material", Lisa has steadfastly failed to expound not only on matters such as the girth of the Clooney lovestick or whether the world's most envied bachelor breaks wind between the sheets, but she has even withheld simple facts about their courtship, such as how often they actually got to see each other. This, inevitably, resulted in a slew of bizarre tittle-tattle. Lisa was supposed to have twice turned down Clooney's marriage proposals, and even to have taken solace in the arms of Dane Bowers when her transatlantic romance started to wobble. But with Clooney having been pictured snuggling up to Julia Roberts in recent months, and Lisa making the jump to terrestrial TV with the BBC's Poolside Party, it looks like the romance has finally gone down the dumper

This incessant rumbling of the rumour mill gave FHM the opportunity to ask questions on the more important topics, such as Lisa's collection of pants. In response to an interrogation concerning the first time she bought her own lingerie, she replied: "I can remember my first bra. I was about 16 and it was a 28 or a 30 size A trainer bra. I was such a late developer that I don't think I wore it for years - I went from being completely flat-chested to having boobs overnight. I literally just grew in all directions." Also apparent is that her tastes have, thankfully, changed somewhat. No longer can the Essex lovely been seen in training bras, preferring instead to sport more suitable attire: "I like my Calvin Kleins and my big white knickers, though I haven't got any granny pants!" she laughs. "They have to be either nice sporty white ones or something really sexy. I've always bought lacy black G-strings and lacy bras - but they've got to be comfortable.

Lisa is also not averse to splashing out on the lingerie that looks so exquisite on her perfect frame, having once spent over £300 on one sexy set! "I bought one pair of knickers, a bra, suspender belt and a pair of stockings" she giggles, before proudly adding, "They were from Agent Provocateur." She also makes it clear that any underwear crimes committed by the male sex will definitely not pass unnoticed: "Well, when pants are knackered you have to throw them away - and some guys still hang onto ones that have gone a bit grey in the wash or the elastic's gone - I don't like that so much" she warns. " It does turn me off if they've got grungy underpants. I don't like briefs either. I like plain white boxer shorts with little buttons or Ralph Lauren style shorts. I prefer my men a bit looser. It's much sexier. I wouldn't dump them for doing it wrong though - I'd just buy them new underwear."

Lisa Snowdon
January 2000


Grab your bucket and spade, Lisa Snowdon’s on the beach

The "glamorous" world of modelling is famously populated by skinny teenagers whose dedication to their profession involves chain-smoking, regurgitating meals, spending strenuous hours working off non-existent pounds in the gym and getting by on a meagre ration of rice-cakes and mineral water.

But FHM Bionic's cover star Lisa Snowdon has thankfully risen to these dizzy heights without putting in such self-torture. "I'm quite lazy so I never work out," admits the gregarious 26-year-old. "I'm just lucky - I've been blessed with great body genes, I have good posture and I've held onto the muscle tone I had when I was a dancer." What's more, there's hope for the many scruffy and less-than-svelte males out there. "I don't really like muscly guys. I'd rather his body was lean, rather than built-up. And I prefer it if a man's not really into his appearance."

She's also singularly unimpressed with supermodels who harp on about their fitness regimes: "Two hours workout a day and their bodies aren't even that great", she snipes.

"I'd recommend the odd alcoholic binge instead." Indeed, the limit of Lisa's efforts to maintain her position as the proud owner of the hottest body in the UK (see page 105) appears to be a vast personal collection of bikinis. "In my business, it's important not to develop tan lines," she explains. "So I've got every type there is: triangles, strings, thongs, funky hipster styles, you name it. Then I wear a different one every day." And what of that hoary old sunbathing dilemma: to discard the bikini top or not? "I do go topless if it's quiet. I try and seek out the most deserted beaches anyway, otherwise I find people don't stop staring."

Lisa Snowdon

Prepare to meet one of the world’s most experienced wearers of fine lingerie - and George Clooney’s girlfriend – Lisa Snowdon! And although a veteran of the lingerie modelling circuit, the beautiful 25-year-old Brit was such a late developer she didn’t even have to wear a bra until she was 17. "Even then, it was a size 30, A cup – and I don’t think I ever wore it, because I went from little swollen gnat-bites to full boobs almost overnight." Since then, Lisa has spent over $3,000 on her underwear drawer, so it seems only right that she shows off some of the word’s finest lingerie. Especially considering that, despite being a permanent fixture in our annual 100 Sexiest Women poll and appearing in our 1999 calendar, this is her first appearance on

Can you remember the first time you bought lingerie with a man in mind?
In terms of buying underwear specifically for dressing up at night – for your little private party – the first time I did that was last year. I went to Agent Provocateur and spent about $450 on a bra, some nice knickers and a suspender belt. It was the first time I felt comfortable enough to do it – I just thought: "Go for it, be a bit saucy."

Is it a compliment if a guy buys you lingerie?
Definitely, if it’s tasteful. I’ve nothing against fun lingerie, though – I wouldn’t mind having some edible knickers – for night-time use only, of course.

In G-strings, do you ever suffer from "hungry arse"?
No, I never stand there picking them out of my bum – the only ones that do that are the really flossy ones where you look like a sumo wrestler. I always select my G-strings for comfort. I prefer a bit of a triangle at the back.

Any wild and crazy lingerie tales to tell?
I’ve stuffed my bra with cash before, when I was on my way back from Japan. I’d just started modelling and was shipped off to the Far East to make money. But instead of wiring cash home and losing on the exchange rate I brought it all back in Yen. I had big stacks of notes crammed in all round my chest.

We also talked to the makers of the Queen’s lingerie. What size do you reckon she takes?
I think her back’s bigger than her cup. She’s probably about a 38, and then maybe a B or a C.

But isn’t she quite a well-developed lady?
Perhaps she tapes them down. Or wears minimizers. She could be as big as a 36DD in that case. She could be a big mamma.