Lisa Snowdon
Where youve seen her:
Thanks to a series of sexy commercials and TV hosting gigs, which include the iconic Top of the Pops and MTV UKs Select, her bubbly visage is bigger on Brit TV than footie and pedophilia scandals. But you can now catch her on these shores as the clinically perky host of VH1s Rock the House.
Bar chutzpah:
Im a good-time girl. You can take me to the pub with the best or the worst of em.
Chick magnet:
After serving up the steam in those sexy commercials (including one particularly uplifting elevator spot for Axe body spray), Lisa developed a broad following. Ive got a lot of women fans. They thought, She looks real, not skinny and androgynous.
Keepin it street:
Musing on her new VH1 show: I get to hang out with rock stars, but the shows really about the fans.
May 2003 (#65)