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Taimie Hannum Interview

  Modeling took former Army brat Taimie Hannum out of Arizona long ago, taking her on a whirlwind, worldwide journey from the runways of Japan to a film screen near you. Now a top web model as well as actress, she answered some questions for us, comparing the different worlds she's lived in and the worlds she'd like to see.

How would you describe most people in your business? Are there a lot of friendships or is it pretty cutthroat?
  Actually the internet models work together very well ! We realize that it is the World Wide Web and we have lots of room to share. We also get together to shoot and end up hanging out together. And as you could imagine we have a really good time !!

Which is harder, modeling or acting?
  Acting.. it is also more interesting. It is so much fun to let yourself go and be someone else. Learning your lines is more challenging but modeling can be hard as well. I remember many of days where my muscles felt like I had ran a marathon just from posing...beleive it or not :)

You've done so much traveling in your life, can you give us any tips?
  Just try to go everywhere you can. I truly believe that traveling rounds you out as a person.

Could you ever see yourself back in New York?
  I am in New York right now. {Editor: Doh!} I will be spending a lot more time at my place here. I mainly live in Los Angeles and will be Bi-Coastal again ! It's tough sometimes but great to get the best of both of these wonderful cities.

How about Arizona?
  I go to see my family all the time. As far as living there again I would love to someday have a home there as well as LA & NY.

What were some of the things that surprised you most about Japan?
  How crazy the TV is !! They have some pretty different shows out there !! Also there are a lot of Australian and European models there. It is a great place to go and I miss it very much.

Where do you see yourself in twenty years?
  Twenty !!! I would love to be married to a super cool man and have 2 beautiful kids. Hopefully having done a lot more acting I would like to just relax and travel, have a nice boat and hang out in exotic places. And to still be young at heart.

Which websites do you use the most?
  I surf quite a bit , of course the search engines and other models' sites. But my website is the one I use the most !! Always on that :)

Which websites do you admire most?
  I have to say Danni's HardDrive and Lisa Boyle , they both have set the industry standard for what I am able to do today. You could say they are the pioneers. And the best advice was from Danni and that was to learn HTML. I took her word and having full control of my site is the best.