Where you’ve seen her:
A former Miss Sweden, she came to prominence here through modeling for Guess? and soon dipped her delicious toe into Hollywood with parts in BASEketball, Zoolander, Out Cold, and the upcoming Boat Trip.

Abreast of her time:
“Because I was a skier, all I hung out with was guys. I was on the school’s soccer team and played basketball with the guys because I was tall. But then, I was fully developed at 12.”

Gettin’ dirty in the bathroom:
“[Cleaning toilets] was my first job at camp. I made a dollar per hour. It made me appreciate everything. I think if you’re too spoiled from the beginning, then you don’t appreciate anything.”

“Mama Mia!”
“I used to steal my mom’s clothing, and I used to mimic ABBA. That was huge. They were my inspiration as a singer.”

Running from the bulls:
“One time I had a whole bunch of [crazy men] literally running down Sunset Boulevard after my car. It scared the hell out of me. I had to stop for a red light, and they were shouting “Victoria!” with these naked magazine pictures of me. That was some turn-on. I was, like, “Yeah, baby…I’m just gonna drive a little faster.”

The Best of Maxim 2002
Where you’ve seen her:
In serious Oscar contenders like BASEketball, Zoolander, Out Cold, and soon with Cuba Gooding Jr. in Boat Trip.

Basic training:
“I was on the soccer team, the ski team, and even the basketball team because I was so tall. The guys were never really hitting on me, and then one day it was, like, boop! [mimes her breasts popping out] and I had to train to be a woman.”

Sorry about that script:
“The weirdest things I’ve been offered are basically porn. They’ll tell me, ‘We’ve got this great movie we want to put you in,’ and I’m, like, ‘Great!’ ‘Well, there’s this love scene with his dick sticking there and here,’ and I’m, like, ‘WHAT!?’”

World Wide…whoa!
“My 13-year-old brother’s friends use the Internet, so they know all about me. When I travel back to Sweden, he’s got 20 kids hanging around the house. They all know I’m home, and they just want to come by and get a glimpse of me, but I think they must be disappointed because when I’m home I always walk around looking like shit.”

March 2002 (#51)