Dream, Girl

Sure, Victoria Silvstedt can act, model and make music. But can she ski? (Hint: She can ski.)

By Dan Bergstein, March 2003
This Swedish beauty can do just about everything we would expect a woman to do. (All she has to do is learn to make sculptures from driftwood and she’ll be perfect.) Best known as the Guess? Jeans spokesperson, she’ll soon appear in the Cuba Gooding Jr./Horatio Sanz film Boat Trip, about two buddies who mistakenly take a gay cruise. (By gay, we mean homosexual and fun.) We caught up with Victoria, or Victoria Silvstedt, as we like to call her, while she was on vacation in Mexico.

STUFF: Was it fun working on the movie Boat Trip? Where did you shoot it?
VICTORIA: It was a blast. It wasn’t even like working. I got to fly to Germany and spend some time there. Then we flew down to Athens, Greece, and boarded this cruise line and shot scenes onboard.

Did you get seasick?
When we went down toward Egypt, the worst storm of the year hit. My cabin turned upside down. I was hanging on to my toilet throwing up. The storm lasted the whole night. At one point, I looked outside, and the people working for the cruise line were holding on and wearing life vests. I thought, Damn, maybe I should put mine on.

Just like that movie about that boat, with that guy.
Titanic. Yeah, it felt like that. Then I heard afterward that a lot of people just got really drunk and were upstairs where the disco was, dancing and partying all night, rocking back and forth. I should have thought of that.

If Cuba Gooding Jr. wins another Academy Award, will he be thanking you in his crazy acceptance speech?
Honestly, no. If Horatio wins? Maybe. I only had one scene with Cuba, and I didn’t have any lines with him.

Roger Moore only plays a gay guy in the movie, right?
Yeah, he plays a gay guy, but I think he enjoyed it. It was just fun.

Did you two have a ski race? I know James Bond likes the slopes.
Yeah, we tried to hijack the boat to take us north so we could go skiing.

Roger Moore is a spy—I’m sure he could have hijacked the boat.
Well, he’s a bit older now, so he doesn’t have the same power as he used to. I did hang out with him and his wife in Turkey. We went sightseeing and went to a mosque. We had to take our shoes off, cover up, kneel down and have our asses in the air, but it was fun. Even in the mosque, people would stop praying and come running over saying, “James Bond! James Bond!”

Have you ever broken a bone while skiing, or are you invincible?
I broke part of my shoulder while I was in a downhill race. After that, I traded in my skis for high heels.

How much time do you spend in a bikini? I assume you have several.
I’m usually someplace that’s really warm, so I try to be in a bikini as much as possible.

How much time do you spend naked?
I sleep naked.

I can’t sleep with clothes on. Sometimes I try to wear a nice little nightgown, but I always wake up in the middle of the night and throw it off. I can’t sleep with clothes. I need to be free, I guess. I wear enough clothing in the day.

Why do you hate Paris?
I don’t hate Paris. But when I was living there and working, I would have to go to my jobs underground on the subway, and people would harass me.

I’m sorry.
Well, I was a naive girl and got a good dose of culture shock. But I love Paris.

When you stay in hotels, do you lose sleep thinking about what perverse acts may have taken place in that room before you got there?
No. But I was in an old hotel in the south of France once. It was a very tiny chateau, and the walls were very thin. The neighbors started [makes mmm sounds], and they were banging and banging—the picture on my wall almost fell on my head. Being French lovers, they would never stop. They were talking dirty, doing this and that, and I’m just lying there.

It’s OK. They were in love.
So I don’t care about what went on in the hotel room—just don’t do it while I’m there.

Must you remind your husband that you are superbeautiful?
No. He knows the real deal. He sees me every morning. He prefers me without the makeup. At least that’s what he says.

I’ve seen pictures of you naked. Would he be jealous?

Still, I don’t think we should tell him.
I don’t think he’s worried.

You hang out with Michael Jackson, too? “We had to take our shoes off, cover up, kneel down and have our asses in the air, but it was fun.”

Let freedom ring. Ring with nudity! “I can’t sleep with clothes. I need to be free, I guess. I wear enough clothing in the day.”

We’ve never been to Paris, but we still hate it: “I don’t hate Paris. But when I was living there and working, I would have to go to my jobs underground on the subway, and people would harass me.”

We traded in our skis for the rental deposit: “I broke part of my shoulder while I was in a downhill race. After that, I traded in my skis for high heels.”

“I’m usually someplace that’s really warm, so I try to be in a bikini as much as possible.”