While no developments have taken place since last update I am drawing my own conclusions....

That this film does not exist, this site has been operating one year now and in that time I have been led down many deadend roads as far as locating a copy of said movie....

I was contacted by someone claiming to have not one but TWO copies of this film, I offered to buy one, a price was agreed, me and my buddy went 50/50 and we were both screwed as no tape was ever delivered...

If he does not return our cash we will have some drastic shit done to him. We have his address. Obviously.

Many many thanks to all the people who have sent in what info they have and those who have offered to help me on my quest to find this holy grail of a film....

Recently a fan sent me this:

Cheerleader Camp II:  
Category: Horror/Slasher  
Running Time:  97 minutes  
Year Released:  1990  
Country of Origin:  United States  
Language:  English  
Cast:  Uma Thurman, Sarah Atkins, Betsy Russell, Tina Anger, Kev Carmody 
Plot Outline:  A serial killer begins to stalk a group of cheerleaders while they are competing in a national competition. It is up to Tanya Starkman to find out the identity of the killer before she and her friends are brutally murdered. 

this is from 'Roger's Video' a rental outlets website...but surprise surprise there are no tapes available....dosent seem to add much to what was on IMDB all those months ago...however it does introduce some more cast names   Sarah Atkins. Tina Anger. Kev Carmody.

But there is no cover scan or anything remotely solid about this..

So my final word on this is that there is NO Cheerleader Camp part II but there IS a SLEEPAWAY CAMP IV: The Survivor ....... that was something that did materialize!


  • Part One: The Mystery Begins
  • Part Two: What is the real Truth!?

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