Released into the direct to video horror world in 1987 'Cheerleader Camp' has since been hailed as a classic by many 'real' horror fans, The genre of summer camp slashers has had its share of highlights and just as many low points, This was a movie that had all the hallmarks of an entertaining slasher: gore,humor,tit & arse,Great looking women and just as importantly an intelligent plot  ......

ALISON: the focus of the movie and the victim of recurring nightmares attends the All State Cheerleader's competition with her team mates, as soon as her team emerge from their van things begin to go wrong for her ,her boyfriend Brent seems just a little too interested in the oppositions female counterparts, understandably so, as anyone who has seen this movie will agree, the quality of the chicks is top notch.
However it is not long before some of this fine arse is found hacked up in a nearby cabin, The viewers suspision is obviously upon Alison who seems likely to snap at any moment as the tension of both the immense competition and the chaos around her starts to take it's toll.

POP:  A minor but absolutley crucial character in this film, from  his legendery opening line "it's o.k. i'm pop" to his climatic "makes ya pee pee harder than a ten ton bag of jawbreakers" he proves he is a man of character, Add to that his constant appreciation of the females around him and his unrivaled skill with a shotgun he is a force to be reckoned with,   Always interupting at crucial moments "can somebody pass me my screwdriver" as Suzy's frozen body is discovered by the police is just one of many fine examples..his skill with a hose is also noteworthy , managing to soak himself and everything around him.

TIMMY:  This Man is big, with an arse that can fill a passenger side door window. He is not one to take himself too seriously..thats just as well cos noone else does either..forever in search of the 'Red tailed brush thruster' he is a man of many faces...if you thought Lon chaney was the master of disquise wait until you see Timmy in drag...damn even the girls swimming had to undress him just to make sure , always cheerful and "Just wanting to get laid" he has many personal goals in life, from his skills in filming girls get undressed, to ingenius designs suchs as the 'Camera periscope', he is looking for that elusive "naked chick footage" . One highlight of the movie is seeing Timmy boy fall off the stage and wipe out POP and the nearby trolley/stereo unit, yes  this kind of talent dosent come past everyday.

BRENT: The Timmy/Brent Combo is clearly a triumph of modern film making and casting standards,
The 2 of them together can achieve anything ,Such as the Hilarious and very creative rapping they undertake whilst rehersing their teams cheerleading moves , now i am the last person on earth to listen to rap..but i would seriously reconsider if it was all off the same high standard that Timmy & Brent present to us - the movie watching public .
Brent while by himself clearly cares about his girlfriend but isnt afraid to test the waters away from home too, with various levels off success i might add, Suzy flatly tells him to get lost while Pam seems more than a little interested, but brents impatience and ego blow this chance once and for all.
As the bodys pile up and campers start to flee Brent keeps his head making informed and intelligent desisions all the way to his unfortunate demise.

PAM:  A Very good looking girl who isnt afraid to show her body off, Pam wants to be queen, Unfortunatly
this oppotunity is dashed by an awkward pair of giant scissors through her head as the film begins it's climatic peak, I personally was dissapionted to see her disposed of so soon ,it would have been only an assett to the film to have her take her top off just a few more times.

COREY:  Any girl that can wear An alligator suit like that is o.k. in my opinion, she feels under-valued , not so i say...for what is a team without it's mascot... Miss Tiptits opps i mean Tipton obviously did not feel she was inportant enough to even be on the roll call , but she looks great at all times  and works out fairly quickly that a bread roll will not fit in the Alligators nose, A major Character in the films story and obviously a girl with some personal issues to deal with.

BONNIE :  Winner of the Queen Compition and unable to even remember her own name at times...She is however amazingly perseptive for she was the one to point out that Pam really was only interested in "Getting honey on her muffin"  a line that will live on in slasher fans minds and vocabulary for years to come.
                                                       All CHARATERS ARE REAL AND SIMARLARITYS TO PERSONS DEAD IS INTENDED

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