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File Name: Classified
Primary Military Specialty: Infiltration
Secondary Military Specialty: Deep Recon

Backstab Was born with a knife in his teeth! He has been Special Forces since he was old enough to operate a weapon. Backstab has been to all corners of the globe, specializing in black ops and wetworks from everyone from the National Security Agency to the world renowned Delta Force. G.I. Joe was a logical next step.

From the files of General Hawk: "What can you say about someone who volunteers to drop deep into enemy lines, knowing he's going to be eating snakes for a month while he gathers recon? Just be glad that he wants to do it and you don't have to!"

Parts Used:

Head: Destro '01 (modified)
Torso: Low Light '86
Arms: Skydive
Waist: Destro '01
Legs: Sneak Peek

Weapons: Firefly '01 Backpack, Raven Castings SMG and Sniper Rifle

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