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Crimson: Cobra Secret Agent

Crimson was reportedly a longtime comrade of Cobra Commander and the first person to volunteer for Project: Crimson, which ended up being the Crimson Guard program two years later. In those years, Crimson gained a solid foothold in society and climbed the political ladder. His real identity is completely unknown, although it is hypothosized that he currently holds a high ranking political post inside Washington, D.C.! It is rumored that he has had plastic surgery so not even Cobra Commander knows his real face, and will only contact the Commander by phone unless he is in his official "Crimson" garb, which is shown below. He is a mole inside the U.S. Government, and when the time is right, he has the will and the ability to potentially destroy it from within!!

Crimson: Cobra Secret Agent

Parts Used:

Head: Crimson Guard '85
Torso: Cobra Commander '91(TBC)
Waist: Night Creeper '98
Arms: Wild Weasel
Legs: Stinger Driver

Big Thanks to Zareiff of Zareiff's Domain for the Crimson Guard logo used on his chest.