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Scalpel: Damage Control Field Medic

Scalpel is the Field Medic/Communications Officer for G.I. Joe's search and rescue team, code named: Damage Control! Scalpel was a young and hungry med-student and whizzed through Harvard Medical School with hardly any problem. After going through the rigorous training and residenty programs, he found the actual practice of medicine rather boring, even when serving in a inner city Boston, MA ER. In a flash of questionable wisdom and on a whim, he joined the army, much to the chagrin of his parents. In the Military, he flourished, and was soon in the midst of Airborne Ranger school at Fort Benning. His instructors were blown away with his natural talent and inborn genetic proficiency in combat. He soon moved on to the Green Berets and served as a Field Medic in Desert Storm deep behind enemy lines. He trudged through that duty, but longed to be the one being shot at instead of the one doing the healing. Well, a few years later, he got his wish when G.I. Joe put out feelers through every branch of the Military when it was reforming. Scalpel signed up with the idea of being infantry, but was discouraged when the Joes wanted to utilize his medical training. However, when Scalpel heard that he would be serving with Damage Control, an ultra-elite and self sufficient search and rescue squad, he agreed immediately.

Damage Control is a small group, and as such, it needs members who are proficient in many different tasks. Scalpel can pop caps as easily and skillfully as he pops pills, and is just as useful with a rifle as he is with a stretcher. He is also the resident communications officer.

I wanted to make a medic for a team that would no doubt need one to serve the injured that they rescue. But I wanted a kick-butt take no prisoners Medic that could shoot, climb and fight as easily as he could wrap, bandage, and splint. Scalpel is the result.

Scalpel: Field Medic/Communications

Parts Used:

Head: Psyche Out '87
Torso: Mercer '87
Waist: Lifeline '86
Arms: Lifeline '86
Legs: Lifeline '86

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