This is my next foray into the cool world of Liberty: 2198! On The Bivouac, the custom projects section has an area devoted to this separate universe, set far into the future where Cobra rules and G.I. Joe desperately tries to dethrone them.
I am only showcasing my figures here to try to gather some more attention for the Liberty Project as a whole, because it is a great project bringing together many terrific customizers from the online Joe world! Shockwave has done a great job with the site on The Biv, so check it out: Liberty: 2198!
This is Silence, a Cobra Mercenary. I wanted to make him a twisted abomination...did I succeed? Check the Liberty site soon for more info
Parts Used:
Head: Sagat
Torso: Airwave
Arms: Shockwave '88(right), Serpentor(left)
Waist: Lt. Gorky
Legs: Alley Viper '89
Weapons: Raven Castings SMG on right arm, several hoses from
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